Wheee ..! Happy 'coz of 2 things .
#1 - I got my Citrix password back !! Wahaha ! :D Was tossing and turning last night 'coz I couldn't believe that I actually forgot my damn password . Felt so loss when I couldn't log into the system to check for my patients' laboratory results . Tried and tried ALL the passwords under the sun and moon that I could possibly think of , but all came to naught . *Sobs* But luckily being morning shift today , I could call the ISD Helpdesk to reset my password for me . Whoopee ! Thanks to Jenny (hope I got the name correct) . Hee ! And guess what ? I decided to write down a whole bloody list of logins and passwords so that I'll never forget them again . Ya ya ! I know , U want my PIN number rite ? Pfffft ...! U'll be sorely disappointed 'coz there's no $ at all . Wahaha !! ;D
#2 - Sooo ..., getting back my password meant that I could trace investigation results again . :D Managed to trace mum's CT report . Wahaha !! Nothing serious . *PHEW* Been tippy-toed after her scan . ME I mean , not mum . Fearing the worst mah . Especially when I heard the word 'mass' , I really flipped . Thank sky , thank earth , thank rain , thank grass , whatever & whoever , thank U so much . :D Finally can breathe freely now . Must go pray pray at Kuan Yin Temple one day for the blessings . Anyway , mum's OGD was nothing that serious also . Controllable with medication . :D But *haizz* , her ear is giving her problems lately . But that one long term problem liao , no cure one . Not life threatening but rather destructive at times . Hiyoyo ... poor mum .
Okiee ..! Sad 'coz I realised the show "Eight Below" is kindda tragic . *Sobs* Really teared when I read the spoilers on the net . :( Very very touching . And the worst thing is that it's based on a true story . Really pains my heart . F*ck human beings !! Wanna go wat stoopid expedition , go lah , but NOT at the expense of innocent , lovable animals lah !! Blerghhh ..! Aiyoh ! I'll definitely NOT watch the show . Dun wanna come out of the theatre looking like some wreck . NEVER could stand reading or watching anything sad relating to animals . Xena-like me will still break down and sob like a sissy . True ! *Haizz* , especially the ending to the spoiler really broke my heart ...
"The last scene shows Jerry, Katie (whom we infer will now become Mrs. Jerry), Cooper, McLaren and the six surviving dogs driving back to the Italian station to fix the door to the garage, return the vehicle and head home. The final shot is of a cross with 2 collars on it to honor the 2 dogs that did not make it."
OMG !! *SOBS* ! :(