Well , woke up at 6am AGAIN earlier on . Gosh ! Is tat my witching hour or wat ?? Bah ! Anyway , it wasn't the rain this time . It was a most bizarre dream ! *Haizz* Damn beautiful but kindda sad (to me) at the same time . Gosh . The last bit tat I dreamt really jolted me awake from my sleep . Thank goodness I didn't dream on to 'see' the ending . Wouldn't have been what I wanted to see , I guess . Ha ! Wat made me dream such a dream sia ?? Was it the heavy dinner I took last night ? Or issit 'coz I'm tinking too much about him ? *Haizz* Watever . I tink it's juz one of my crazy dreams . Crazy enough to make me miss someone lots . *Haizz* Had a fabulous facial (as usual) by Celine yesterday . She's really good sia . Her skills .. pwah .. superb !! I strongly recommend her sia . Juz don't go on days that I'm going . Haha !! Or rather the hours that I'm going . Gotta have her lah . Bestest !! Anyway , she moved over to Tanjong Pagar and will be permanent there . So , she goes , I go . (Wah leow , like : U jump , I jump sia) Got them to move my records over as well . :p As well as Vonne's and Sushi's . Muahaha !! Sorry guys , I go , U go oso . :D Gosh , busted $197.40 on 2 products , AGAIN . Gotta eat grass from now . Imagine , PS 2 , facial products , and later hair cut and treatment ... Gosh !! Wat's next ?! Hee !! Meeting nerd later for our usual tete a tete . :D Always fun with her . Dun get to meet as often as before but hey , it's not the quantity time that matters but rather the quality . Right nerd ?? Hahaha ! Only the 2 of us know what this nerd language is all about . :D Been through so much together . My gawd , come to think of it , we've been nerds for 10 years liao !! Hahaha !! Miss ya lots nerd , and love ya to bits . :D Hey , I'm straight , okay , U perverts . Hehehe !! :D Haircut (AGAIN ?!) and treatment later also . Happy happy ! Boy I love off days !! Sadly today is the last day . Back to work tomorrow . It's about time lah . Getting bored already . Haha !! ;p
Just Me
NAME : ~Ranz~
D.O.B. : 24th October 1979
JOB : ~Don't mess with the Missy~
Will GetA degree
A Masters Degree
WantsA house of her own A car of her own
A Master's Degree (APN)