Why ? Heh ! 'Coz my new toy is finally here !! Yippee !! Can't wait to try it out , and can't wait to try Resident Evil 4 out . *Haizzz* Patience . Gotta wait till tomolo (01/04/2006) after work . Grrr ..! Anyway , thanks to Sammy and Matthew for making it all possible . Owe U 2 big time . Muahaha !! Now I can be a good gal and head straight home after work each day . :D Something new to look forward to mah , other than T.V. and internet . Hehehe !! ;p Also , saw a familiar face today . Hee !! A VERY handsome one at that . Muahaha !! Was the major crush of many nurses back then when he was with my organisation . Wahaha !! Hey ! I found him handsome only lah but I didn't have a crush on him , okay ! I swear !! Muahaha !! He was not only super handsome but also super nice , sweet and skillful . Always treating us to pizza and KFC also . Hah ! Anyway , he STILL is super handsome ! If not , even more a looker than before . But sorry gals , he's taken . Heh . Anyway , he still remembers me and we chatted a little , almost ignoring his Consultant for a moment . Hee ! Distraction = Sinful sinful !! :D *Haizz* Miss the good ol' days where I worked with the Surgical & Orthopedics team . A bunch of fun people . Can be nasty at times lah but still more fun . Hmmm , life is not too bad now lah . Getting used to it . Beggars can't be choosers I guess . Gotta be satisfied with what I have and what comes my way . Juz chatted with an old fren . Learnt from her that he may be coming back in May . Whee ..! Time passes in a blink of an eye . Another half a year gone liao . How many more half years must I wait ? *Haizz* Waiting ..waiting .. waiting ...
Just Me
NAME : ~Ranz~
D.O.B. : 24th October 1979
JOB : ~Don't mess with the Missy~
Will GetA degree
A Masters Degree
WantsA house of her own A car of her own
A Master's Degree (APN)