I Like to Move It Move It .....
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
Wahaha ! Sammy's gonna kill me . :D This song is specially dedicated to Sammy . Turn up the volume babe ! Decided to use your favourite song for 1 day . Wahaha !! ;p Until Sammy hears this , I'll be stuck with this song , so to everyone out there , 'ta-han' one day or so with this irritating beat ya ? :D
Anyway , night shift AGAIN . And guess wat ? I'll be night shift again on Saturday . *Haizz* Oso good lah , can earn more $ . Needing lotsa $ these days . To keep myself happy 'coz money CAN buy happiness . But I just can't stand the damage night shifts does to my skin . Grrr ...
Sister C. came to look for me in the ward after my morning shift yesterday (03/04/2006) . Gave me a pep talk on my career path and development . Yadda yadda yadda ... She thinks that I've got lotsa potential to be groomed into some sort of ... erm ... I dunno , someone great ?! Nice words she used on me . Articulate , computer savvy , young , yadda yadda yadda ... , BUT , only lacking in an Advanced Diploma / Degree . Pffft ...! And she mentioned that she'd very much like to do 'something' for me this year but first , I gotta be more active in my organisation's activities . Blehhh ! These people are NEVER satisfied . *Haizz* Anyway , about the Advanced Diploma thingy , I told her I'll consider the offer for next year loh . Muahaha !! U know what ?! I say that every year . ;D I told that to Sister L. for 3 years , I told that to the bitch last year and I'm saying it again this year . Wahahaha !! When will I EVER do it ?! Gosh ! Anyway , I seriously dunno which course to take also . Pffft ...!
Anyway , congratulations to Vonne !!! For getting her license to drive . It has been a long wait ya ? But she finally got it ! Yippee !! Hee !! Miss Allan alot . Gotta see him soon before he starts to forget how I look like . Muahaha !! Simply love driving . :D
Hee !! Finally !! 1 hour more ... :D Yeah ! I like to move it move it ! ;D *Driving Sammy nuts*
Purred Ranz @ {03:10}