Okie ..! I'm satisfied that Sammy's totally traumatised by the 'I Like to Move It " song . Muahaha !! Night shifts make me cranky , so my sincere apologies to all affected . Especially to Trina babe , wahaha , hope your ears are okie . :p Sorry sorry . As promised , I've changed the song back to something less irritating . Erm , but just as noisy . :D Love BEP's songs . So 'beaty' & 'dancy' . Makes me wanna get up and dance . Heh ! Not that I really can , but I can definitely fling my head around and flail my arms around stupidly like a dork . :D To Sammy - Juz one last time pretty please ... I like to move it move it ! Physically fit physically fit ... ;p
Arghhh ... ! I keep getting 'killed' in Resident Evil 4 ! Bleghh !! Itz damn fun and exciting but my fun keeps getting stagnated at the same part 'coz I'll run out of bullets and first-aid sprays . Pffftt.. ! Now where's that webby that showed a thorough walk-through . Cheating cheating . Anyway , to Sammy (again ?) - To whip out the knife , juz press on BOTH L1 & R1 together .
Big *haizz* . Mum just got back from seeing Dr. T. . Gotta go for an OGD tomolo and a CTAP at a later date . 'Coz of her chronic on/off gastric pains and Dr. T. palpated a big lump on her tummy . Hope she's okay . *Prayz hard* I'm sincerely willing to give up half of my wretched life in exchange for the health and well-being of my loved ones and friends . I don't even deserve to exist at all lah . *Haizz* Just hope hope hope mum will be cleared off any illness . :(
Raining heavily now . Hope the skies will be clear tomorrow ... literally . :(
Just Me
NAME : ~Ranz~
D.O.B. : 24th October 1979
JOB : ~Don't mess with the Missy~
Will GetA degree
A Masters Degree
WantsA house of her own A car of her own
A Master's Degree (APN)