Frequent nights eh ? Yeah yeah . Only like nights for the $ as I've mentioned umpteen times . *Haizz* But thankfully , night shifts over here are MUCH better than elsewhere , so I better be thankful . Pfffft ...! Anyway , didn't really have a good sleep in the day (08/04/2006) 'coz the niece was here . Grrr ... Kindda like a pest . Yaaa , she's cute and all that lah but getting kindda spoilt and bratty . If I had my way , whenever she misbehaves , I'll gladly wring her up by her 2 bratty ears and give her some spankings she'll never ever forget . Muahaha !! :D Evil me . Oh well , never really have this affinity for children . Why is that ? Destined never to have any of my own maybe ? Oh well , throw me some cats then . Wahaha !! Serious ! Like what mum always says , "What are children for anyway ? Expect them to take care of you when you're old , ah ? Forget it lah ." Duhhh ..! No comments . Anyway , as I was saying , whenever the niece comes , there'll be NO peace in the house . She'll either be squealing her head off , or the grandparents will be busy conjuring up some circus acts to entertain her . Blerghh ..! Then my ears suffer . Especially Dad can never really hold a tune . Really regret tearing off my room door last time . Maybe I should seriously consider putting it back . Not only can I finally install an air-con in my room , but also , more importantly , block out all noise pollution and regaining my privacy . Wahaha !! Okie , let's hope we'll get a fat bonus this year . Getting excited ... Met Vonne & Sushi on Friday (07/04/2006) after morning shift , for a yummy-licious facial at our usual joint . Ahhh ... This IS life ! As usual , I got the one and only Celine to 'repair' my ugly face . She's the BESTEST I tell U . :D Very very skillful and her massages , pwahhh , really can knock U out sia . If only I had the $ , I'd probably go there every week or 2 , and have the whole entire range of their products . Wahaha !! Now where is my sugar daddy ? Anyway , after the facial , we zoomed off to Sizzler at Suntec City for dinner .
Really missed the food there . Erm , I mean I don't have much choice , now that Ponderosa cease to exist , Sizzler is the only place I can turn to for an American salad buffet . But the food at Sizzler is much better now lah . More variety . *Haizz* But I really miss the hot station in Ponderosa , where there's free flow of Garlic Bread , Onion Rings , Potato Wedges ... Okay , stop it ! I'm getting hungry ! Wahaha . Anyway , I had Fish & Fries (Battered Dory served with Tartare & Thai Chilli Sauce - $18.99) for my main course . YUM-MY ....! Dreaming of the next time I can go back there . :D Piggy me . *Sobs* Gorging myself silly this couple of months . Weighing scales are screaming in protest . Look like the sister of Shrek these days . Oh well , love me , love my fats . :D *HAIZZZ* 4 more hours to go . Meeting mum , dad & aunt in the morning (09/04/2006) to go to Gong Meng Suar (Bright Hill Temple) at Sin Ming . Gotta visit Great Gandma , Grandpa , 2 Grandmas & Uncle for Qing Ming . Hee ! Gotta try and buy some Kopi-O & Coke to bring there and offer Grandpa & Uncle . Hope I make it there on time . Butt itchy went to tell mum to reach earlier . Juz hope my morning colleagues come on time . I have very low expectations of my colleagues one , no need to come early lah (I wouldn't even dream for that to happen) but at least kindly come on time . *Prays hard*
Just Me
NAME : ~Ranz~
D.O.B. : 24th October 1979
JOB : ~Don't mess with the Missy~
Will GetA degree
A Masters Degree
WantsA house of her own A car of her own
A Master's Degree (APN)