Was 'rudely' woken up at around 6am earlier on . By ..... the sound of falling rain . Wheee !! Long time since I heard / saw rainfall around my area ! Hah ! Rushed down to collect my clothing in the balcony . *Haizz* Porky me either wasn't running fast enough on my trotters , or I must have slept through a storm or something , 'coz my clothes WERE drenched . Grrr .. ! Nvm , hope the sun comes up later . Eee , wait ! I kindda like the coolness now , so , nvm , the clothes can go have a spin in the dryer . :D Went for a yummy-licious pedicure yesterday . Eileen's the best sia !! Got out my in-grown again . And never failing to entertain me with her funny antics . Looking forward to my next session already . Ahhh ... I love being away from work . For a while at least . Short breaks are times for me to rejuvenate . Facial later . *Haizz* Celine got transferred AGAIN . To Tanjong Pagar branch this time . Hopefully I can find my way there . Where the hell is Tras Street ?! Grrr ... ! Such a nice weather now . Going to catch 40 winks ... *Yawns*
Just Me
NAME : ~Ranz~
D.O.B. : 24th October 1979
JOB : ~Don't mess with the Missy~
Will GetA degree
A Masters Degree
WantsA house of her own A car of her own
A Master's Degree (APN)