Whee ..! Oh well , nothing to do mah . Waiting for Miss Singapore Universe 2006 to start at 19 30hrs later . So meanwhile , blog loh .
Anyway , gotta pen this down . Remember I mentioned earlier this morning that I'll be going to the temple for Qing Ming ? Yep , I went and boy was it chaotic !! But it's expected lah . 'Coz today's Sunday and it's the 'middle' period of the festival . I tell ya , the columbarium was PACKED ! Wanna be a sardine for a day ? I recommend U to go there then . *Faints* Lucky I'm young and strong and tough , so can ta-han the whole process even though I was post night shift . But poor mum , being a little unwell lately , gotta wait outside 'coz she couldn't stand the stuffy insides . So everytime I located a relative , I sent my aunt out to bring her in . Wahaha !! Very strategic hor ? Anyway , all of us managed to 'visit' everyone , which is goody good . :D Heh ! Really thought that we won't be able to make it to some of them .
But I really gotta mention how bad the management of the place is . As it is , the aisles are already damn narrow , on top of that , the urns are literally stacked like cards from floor to ceiling !! And U actually gotta use a stoopid wheelable metal ladder to climb up to see your loved ones , should they be unfortunately placed on a higher floor . Bahh ! And even more unfortunate for us , we needed to get that damn ladder to pay our respects to 3 out of 5 of our relatives . Pffft ..! Not that we mind alot but can U believe the atrocity ? I seriously think that the management must have stashed away a whole load of ladders this year , leaving only a few pathetic ones out . Everyone was literally searching aisle after aisle just to get their hands on an idiotic ladder !! Some even had to like 'queue' for their turn . Erm .., me being a very law-abiding citizen was one of them . But some sneaks actually had the nerves to snitch it away from the other side . My goodness !! Don't these f*ckers know what it means by first come first serve ?? I patiently queued quite awhile for my turn so they should too . Luckily it was just some old ladies caught in these hideous acts , otherwise I'd probably scream ,"Dey !! Go f*ck off lah !!" Wahahaa !! Anyway , I nearly did . Thanks to this f*ckingly ugly and 'kiam pak' wannabe middle-aged man . Bahh ! Can't remember his f*cking face liao . Anyway this was briefly how our heated exchange of words went (in chinese lah , 'coz U can't expect this type of suckers to communicate in Singlish , let alone English . Muahaha !) :
F*cking Man : Miss ah , can borrow (the ladder) first or not ? Very fast one . Me : Nope ! 'Coz I waited a long time for it .
Anyway I was STILL waiting for the previous user to finish using it . A.k.a. I should be the next user . Anywayz ...
F*cking Man : Tsk ! U pushing it to where ?! Aisle J there got already leh ! Me : No , I pushing this to Aisle K lah !
Pffft..! Trying to cheat by diverting me elsewhere ? Think I stoopid ah ? By then the previous user was done and I was beginning to wheel that damn ladder to my 'destination' . Unfortunately that f*cker was in my path . And as the human traffic was heavy and me being the all considerate being hence gave way to the 'pedestrians' first wat .
F*cking Man : Want to push , don't want to push . By the time U push finish , tomorrow already . Me : Ya !! 'Coz I don't intend to knock people down wat !
Muahaha !! Afterwhich he angrily pulled the ladder pass the heavy human traffic & directed it nearer towards my 'destination' . Okayyy , so I gotta thank him for that I guess , but I shall not , since he was so f*cking rude ! Wahaha !! Anyway , on second thought , I don't think he was trying to be helpful lah . Probably he was hoping I'll be done with the stoopid ladder sooner so that HE can get his hands on it . Oh well , dream on ! :D And U know what , U stoopid f*cker ?! I hope one day after sh*tting , U realise there's no toilet paper !!
Wahaha !! Where did that come from ? Neah , juz cranky again 'coz post night shift mah . Hehehe ! So there U go , that was my Qing Ming 2006 story . Funny hor ? *Haizz* That's some callous and ugly locals for ya .
Okiee !! MSU Singapore 2006 starting liaoz . Rooting for the Occupational Therapist . Heh ! Same same industry mah . :p
Just Me
NAME : ~Ranz~
D.O.B. : 24th October 1979
JOB : ~Don't mess with the Missy~
Will GetA degree
A Masters Degree
WantsA house of her own A car of her own
A Master's Degree (APN)