Well , that's what everyone in my ward IS lately . Due to some 'sightings' last weekend by a housekeeper . Apparantly , she's not the first one with strange encounters in my new ward . No wonder we keep wondering why there's no fixed housekeeper for our ward . No one wants to work here ! *Sob* Well , I can't blame them , what . Who wants to work in a place with the supernatural ? But my gawd , it's a hospital U're talking about , so how can don't have , one ? *Haizzz..* As spooked as I am , I gotta carry on working bravely loh . Gotta live harmoniously WITH the phantom . Hee ! Yeah ! I shall call it 'The Phantom' . Or is 'Casper' a better choice ? I mean , they live in their world , and we in ours . We don't disturb them , and hopefully , they won't disturb us as well . I'm pretty cool working with them , as long as they don't appear in front of me , nor behind me , or beside me . As long as I don't see them lah , okay ? Kindda poor souls also , having no place to go . I always think on the sadder aspect , then I won't be so scared . 'Coz if next time I die and also become a wandering spirit , I'll be quite sad if I get chased out by humans . For afterall , spirits were once humans also , I guess . Hehe ! Dunno . Till I become one then I let U people know , k ? :D But one thing is for sure , if I ever become a wandering spirit , I shall haunt the f*cking bitch till the end of her f*cking life ! Ha !! ;>
Anyway , heard that my old ward is facing lotsa complaints and problems lately . Due to the influx of new staff and departure of many experienced ones in a very short period of time . Poor Sister L. is really having a tough time coping with it all . *Sighzz* What can I say ? It'll be mean for me to gloat at this point of time but I really gotta say this . If she had tried harder to make the ward a conducive place to work in and if she had fought harder for her staff , she'll not be facing all this now . Up to U to figure out what I mean . Really just pity the remaining old staff there loh . Kak Wati , Kak Jam , Fah , Maz , Sushi , FQ , FL , Bindhu , Florence , etc .. gotta be strong loh . I guess everything really happens for a reason . Like my transfer , out of the blue leh . When I think back , maybe it's a good thing afterall . Probably God knows what will happen to Ward 16 , and so he hurriedly took stoopid me out before I get CA or hypertension from dealing with the bunch of new staff . Really sia ! With the stories I heard about them , my goodness !! How can such people exist , one ?! Especially in Nursing ?! Haiyoh , really make me fear for my loved ones' lives should they be admitted to a ward with such horrific staff around . I shall not elaborate on their potentially life-threatening errors . Aiyoh !! That's what always spurs me on to do a good and proper job in Nursing . When I think that the patients I'm taking care of may be my loved one , won't I want the best for him / her ? (Hmmm , this sentence sounds funny , but I think U get what I mean lah . Mind not thinking straight and ya lah , my English is going downhill also . :<)
Just Me
NAME : ~Ranz~
D.O.B. : 24th October 1979
JOB : ~Don't mess with the Missy~
Will GetA degree
A Masters Degree
WantsA house of her own A car of her own
A Master's Degree (APN)