Ranz's Roster for January / February 2006 Monday to Sunday (30/01/2006 - 05/02/2006) Ar , Mr , A , M^ , DOr , Ar , Mr .
Monday to Sunday (06/02/2006 - 12/02/2006) A , M , A , Mr , DOr , N , N .
Legend : M - Morning Shift A - Afternoon Shift N - Afternoon Shift DO - Day Off r - Requested ^ - Learning Session with Madam Tan L.G. , 3pm @ Staff Lounge
Yikes !! I suddenly remembered ! Forgot that I got driving lessons on 02/02/2006 . Got circuit lessons somemore . So how to go for that Learning Session thingy ? WTF ?! Don't go for it loh . Must remember to tell Sister A. . Afterall , what new things is there to learn ?! Probably going there to talk cock again ?! Hahaha !! Driving more important . I consider my career in Nursing KAPUT liao anyway !! It's just a job for me to earn a stable income , thatz all !! Ya ! Afterall , I'm sick and tired of it all lah . The job , some colleagues , the uniform , even the air .. etc .. F*ck sia !! Hate it all !! Not fun being driven to the edge of my sanity and temper all the time , with no one bothering or even appreciating . Being the proactive one most of the time but what do I get in return ? NOTHING ! It bothers me even more especially , when I get such responses from people I thought are my friends . Just the other day , I was just complaining in frustration over some issues that was impeding workflow and someone who had no better comments or helpful ideas just had to go "yadda yadda yadda" . Ya ! I know I sounded naggy or I probably AM naggy but U think I have a choice ? U think I'm so lucky like U ? No responsibilities , NO CONSCIENCE ?! Sorry thatz not me loh . I may make alot of noise but at least in the process , I get things done . Unlike some , who juz "yadda yadda yadda" BUT never get things done . F*ck ! Life is so unfair . Nevermind , I guess from now , I shall try and go wif the flow . Do what most people do . Talk less and pretend the problem doesn't exist . Ya ! Maybe thatz what I should do . But it really eggs me as it is against my CONSCIENCE . Not that I have alot but at least I do have some ! Arghhh ..!
Just Me
NAME : ~Ranz~
D.O.B. : 24th October 1979
JOB : ~Don't mess with the Missy~
Will GetA degree
A Masters Degree
WantsA house of her own A car of her own
A Master's Degree (APN)