For the Medical team to come and see my remaining 3 patients . Duh ! Ya ! It's only 3 patients . What to do ? CNY tomolo mah . Which sane person will want to stay in hospital during this festive , joyous period ? Hmmm.. , but U'd be surprised . Some people actually do . Really ! Oh well , that's life . U can't expect everyone to think or behave the same right ? If only they do . Then there'll be world peace . But at the same time , life would be so boring . Duh ..!
Anyway , somebody help me !! I'm turning into a chocolate guzzling freak !! HELPPPP !! I wonder why . Yep , I like chocolates but usually I don't crave for it , but recently I actually did ! Imagine how many Kit Kat Chunky-s I've downed . Hahaha !! What is happening ?? Am I going to die soon , so my body is telling me to enjoy all fine foods while I can ?? Muahahaha !! *Sighzz* Or maybe it's juz due to pure greed ? Or depression ??? Ya ! Maybe . Chocolates make me happy . See here - . "Chocolates releases endorphins , and endorphins make people happy ." Hmmm , I see I see . Oh well ! Hope I'll overcome my moodiness soon , otherwise I'll turn into some Shrek-like fatso . Anyway , dunno whether some people are like partially blind , or they are trying to be polite , or they are trying to strike a conversation , or they just simply dunno what to say . Hahaha . But 2 different individuals commented (within 2 days) that I've lost weight . Huh ??! I wish !! How can I lose weight in the current workplace I'm in ? Hahaha !! And I know better 'coz I've definitely put on weight recently due to the multiple festivities feasting , NOT lose weight . Hahaha !! I mean , I've got optical proof what . Juz look at my puffy face , thick arms and thighs & waistline . Hahaha . And if that's not enough , how about throwing me a weighing scale ? :D
Oh well , this f*cking job has turned me into a critical and suspicious idiot . Am I to blame ? Naive me thought that there are lotsa people out there I can call friends . Boy am I wrong . So when people sing me compliments , I usually see them as mockery or not truely from their hearts . Sad that I've become such a person , even I'm disgusted with myself . But I have to think that way to ensure that I won't be hurt easily and to survive in this vicious society . Like what I always firmly believe , the world is just like a stage , and humans are all actors on it . No more truth , no more honesty . Sad fact of life . *Sighzz* It's good to be a pessimist lah . At least when U fall , U won't feel that great a pain and it'll be easier to climb back up .
And I also concluded . Friends should never be colleagues , and colleagues can never be true friends . For me at least . Ha ! 'Coz different expectations in work I guess . Bound to have some conflict one lah . Not only that , what about being taken advantage of , being treated like a fool , being used as a stepping stone , U name it , I've gone through it . F*ck ! I've given and I've taken , it's time to give up . Maybe I should just sit back and do what others do , just take more and more and have minimal giving . Maybe that's why they so happy , no need for chocolates . But 1 word is holding me back : CONSCIENCE ..
Looking forward to this evening's reunion dinner . Where I can eat again . This is my only joy in life now , eating . Hahaha ! *Bitter laugh*
Just Me
NAME : ~Ranz~
D.O.B. : 24th October 1979
JOB : ~Don't mess with the Missy~
Will GetA degree
A Masters Degree
WantsA house of her own A car of her own
A Master's Degree (APN)