Itz so cold !! And it's raining AGAIN ! Hahaha ! Would be nice if I'm safe and snug at home . Picture this : Safe and snug at home , curled up in front of the T.V. , wif a cup of hot , unsweetened soya bean drink or Milo , and a steamy bowl of Chu Qian Yi Ding instant noodles , as well as pieces of piping hot kaya toasts from Ya Kun .. !! Waaah !! DIVINE !! Hehehe ! Very easily contented hor ? Oh well , thatz me . :) Anyway , the medical team just completed their rounds not too long ago . A rather quick round I would say . 'Coz my patients don't really need any acute management , juz continue with antibiotics intravenously that's all . Oh well , life here IS exciting , eh ? Grrr.. Phew ! Juz wanna say that some interpreters earn good $ ! Dr. N. wanted one for Mr. M.M. and we had to get an external one 'coz his company refused to send one down today . Guess wat ? For waiting for 1 over hour and interpreting for us for less than 10 minutes , she gets paid $80 ! Phweet !! Cool ! Maybe I should go take up Spanish or Japanese or Singlish (??!) and do interpreting work on a part-time basis . Hahaha !! But I won't charge such an exorbitant amount lah , just $30 per session would be enough for me . Good idea rite ? :D Yippee !! Going for driving lessons again later after work . Really like driving alot . And I'm hoping to get that bloody license soon . Next month to be exact . Sigh.. Rohani got hers over the weekend . *Envys* Wish me luck people .
Just Me
NAME : ~Ranz~
D.O.B. : 24th October 1979
JOB : ~Don't mess with the Missy~
Will GetA degree
A Masters Degree
WantsA house of her own A car of her own
A Master's Degree (APN)