Oh well , U guessed it . Waiting for the medical team to arrive , yet again , to see my same 3 patients . Nothing much I guess . I hope Dr. H. sends us more patients soon . Enough of slacking lah . Boring to slack for too long . Feeling my cellulite-s forming layer by layer . Muahahaha !! Anyway , I typed a nice long update yesterday morning but the stoopid system ate up the whole damn thing !!! My gawd !! My effort !! *Waaahh !* Oh well , guess I gotta start all over AGAIN . Grrr !!
As I was saying , I was rotting away at home on day 1 of CNY . Enjoying my bed , food , the T.V. , then food again , then my bed again , then food again .. Haha !! U get what I mean ? Basically juz rotting away at home like a pile of rubbish . I don't usually need to do much home visits 'coz usually people visit my home instead . So I just rot at home but yet still get to collect red packets . I was also saying that I'm not expecting much red packets this year 'coz the few families that visit us annually (and coincidentally my own family) had an elderly folk die on us last year . So as a tradition / practice , the bereaved family is not supposed to celebrate CNY for dunno how many years and that includes not giving red packets loh . No sweat lah . Got the extra cash is good but don't have oso nevermind rite ? Afterall I'm earning my own keep , which is a comfortable amount to sustain myself , my 3 babies and at the same time enough to give some to my parents . Just not enough for saving loh . Huh ?! Hahahah !! No lah , just that I'm a spendthrift loh . Something that I must work hard on this year . :p
I was also giving the elaborate details on the yummy dishes we had for the Tan Family's Reunion Dinner 2006 . Mum really outdid herself this year . Just look at the spread she prepared for just 5 adults and 1 kiddo . Hahaha . Had to make U people drool , so here I go again .. 1) Boiled Chicken (2 whole birds just plainly boiled to perfect creamy , moist tenderness . Yummy ! Ate lotsa it 'coz it's simplicity just appealed to me that day .) 2) Sweet & Sour Baked Fish (Lazy to look out for bones , so I only picked at it . But it was also baked to tender , steamy perfection , with generous dallops of sweet and sour sauce with pineapple chunks . My fish-crazy baby was meowing away frantically when she smelt it . Hee ! Dun worry , she's family also so she got her share . Dunno what fish it was , though ? Sea bass ? Garoupa ? Definitely not pomfret nor eel lah , and definitely not Nemo ! Haha !) 3) Sweet & Sour Baked KING Prawns (I had to emphasise on the word KING 'coz those crustaceans were simply huge !! Each almost the size of my palm , which is already very huge . Can U imagine our sheer 'horror' when we saw them ? Ha !! Monster prawns ! Anyway , I didn't touch it 'coz I was lazy , yes again , to peel the shells . Mum also declined 'coz she's not a seafood person . Actually , we're ALL really not seafood people so I dunno what was mum thinking . Anyway , there were no takers for the extra 2 'coz the others were simply stuffed .) 4) Potato Patties (Yup , minced chicken and fish meat mixed with carrots and water chestnuts and boiled potatoes , painstakingly hand-chopped by mum , and pan-fried to subtle crispness . Yummy . Stuffed my face silly with those 'coz it was like the easiest to eat and get . Just used my fork to poke and direct it to the direction of my waiting trap . Ha !! Very nice ! 10 stars !) 5) Stir-Fried Mixed Vegetables (Very yummy also . Think chap-chye . Something like that .) 6) Chicken Soup (Actually it's just the remains of the water used to boil the chickens . Mum just threw in some fresh button mushrooms and celery and tried to pose it off as a brand new dish by itself . Ha !! But it was rather soothing loh . Plain but soothing .) 7) Fried Beehoon (Didn't touch it at all 'coz I was saving tummy space for the other delicacies . Hee ! Dun wanna waste the precious space on carbos mah .) 8) 'Pen-Cai' or Basin Vegetables (Yup , mum trying to follow HK style . Dumping a whole load of different ingredients into 1 giant pot , layer by layer . Had fun uncovering each one of them , just like unwrapping presents like that . Surprise surprise . Well , she put green vege right at the bottom , followed by stewed blackpork with boiled eggs and beancurd , then with fried cuttlefish balls and finally with fried chicken hotdog . Dun remember seeing anymore . Ha !! Singapore version . I think the HK version uses expensive ingredients like scallops and abalone but we're rather comfortable with the Tan Family's version lah .) 9) Mini Egg-tarts & Deep Fried Springrolls (Bought from Peach Garden Restaurant . Springrolls were yummy but the egg-tarts tasted kindda funny . Like the egg filling curdled like that . Got this grainy texture . Yuck ! Mum and sis still say nice . :p) 10) Finally , Orange Agar Agar (Another strange creation by mum . Haven't seen it outside before . Simply made of freshly squeezed orange juice mixed with the agar agar mixture and left to set . Didn't touch it also 'coz I dun really fancy agar agar .) There U have it . *drumrolls and burst of applause* Impressive ba ? Ha ! Mum declared that cooking is so much work , so it's off to the restaurants next year . Hmmmph ! I love home-cooked food by mum leh . *Sobs* Anyway , lotsa leftovers in the fridge . So I guess they're going to be breakfast , lunch AND dinner for the next 2 weeks ? Hahaha !! Really lah !! Always the case when mum cooks . Enough to feed 15 people easily !
10 15 hrs now and the team still isn't here . How ? Continue blogging or what ? Anyone bothers to read on bo ?
Anyway , had a nice chat with Sister A. last nite . Really a very nice , motherly figure to talk to . Got some issues off my chest so I feel slightly lighter now . Not that she could solve those issues but it is always good to have someone hear U out and not treat U "yadda yadda yaddaying" away . Hee ! Very very glad to have her as a supervisor . Think back , I really think my transfer was not such a bad thing afterall . But when I think how the bitch and Sister L. handled the whole situation , it really pissed me off . Enough for me to spew a whole string of vulgarities . Especially to that bloody , f*cking bitch !! Really curse her to the dunno how many levels of hell !! Ha !! May she burn alive there ! F*cker sia !!
Also learnt that there was a bumper crop in the recent promotion exercise . Lotsa deserving people I know got promoted to SSN . Good for them and I wish them all the best . Me ?! Only wish for it for the extra cash loh . But along with it comes bigger and heavier responsibilities which I'm not looking forward to shoulder loh . Simply 'coz my heart to this f*cker job is long dead liao . Ha !! Bite me !! Neah neah neah neah neah ! :p
Okay lah , spare your blinding eyes for now . More another time , k ? Tata ! P/s : 11 05 hrs now , Drs STILL not here . Zzzzzz ...!!
Just Me
NAME : ~Ranz~
D.O.B. : 24th October 1979
JOB : ~Don't mess with the Missy~
Will GetA degree
A Masters Degree
WantsA house of her own A car of her own
A Master's Degree (APN)