It has FINALLY stopped raining . For 2 days to be exact , in Yishun at least . :D Finally my clothes can get abit of Vitamin D . Hehehe !! Well , sounds meanie , but I kindda miss the cool weather , and why did the rain just have to stop totally on my day offs ? Pffftt !! Oh well , consolation being me being able to go out without carrying an umbrella . Ha ! Well , nothing much these few days . Just went to PINC after work on Thursday evening to have my toes fixed . Pretty !! Dunno why , but I just love dark red polish on my toes . Kindda match my clothes which are mostly black . Yeah , dowdy , gloomy , boring , whatever U call me but I just love black and anything dark . Hehehe !! Makes me look thinner I guess ? :p To Eileen - Thanx for the lovely pedi and for helping me get rid of my 'ouchy' in-grown every month . You're the best !! Anyway , I blew $330 to renew my pedi package . But kindda worth it lah . Afterall I'll go for a pedi monthly wat and they're having a promo now , so wat the heck . $330 for 10 sessions , plus 1 free session & plus 1 free bottle of Nailtek Foundation . Cool ba ? :D Feeling satisfied . Hehehe . Today (14/01/2006) , visited Gong Gong (grandpa) , Ah-Ma (grandma) , Great-grandma , other grandma and Uncle C.S. . Haven't seen them for quite a while . Almost half a year liao . They're all residing at the same place now . :D So it kindda made the visit easier . Just gotta do some climbing to the various units that's all . In case U all are wondering how come they are so lucky to be 'staying' at the same place , well , they're all in the other world liao lah . And the place that I went to visit was actually Bright Hill Temple at Sin Ming lah . Gotcha ? Wonder where they all are now ? Especially my beloved Gong Gong . Miss him lotsa . Just looking at his photo on his urn and thinking about him brings tears to my eyes . Especially when I think of how he dotes on me with his little ways , the way he calls me "little goat" , our Khong Guan Tow Sar Pows etc.. , gawd , I really miss him ++ . *Sobs* I'm not wat Mum always says I am , okay , an unfilial grand-daughter . I know my Gong Gong will always understand and forgive me , one . It's not quantity time that matters , but rather QUALITY time that we had , and I know that we did . To Gong Gong (wherever U are) - I'll always , always miss U . Till we meet again , okay ? *Lotsa love* After 'visiting' , we (Pa , Ma & I) went for lunch at Peach Garden at Thomson Plaza . The tim-sum there was quite yummy and the service was VERY good for a chinese restaurant . Hee ! But it sure was costly . $80 plus for a few dishes that weren't very filling . Luckily we had 15% off 'coz of some Citibank credit card thingy . Hee ! Mum , U gotta thank me for getting 1 for U rite ? :p Anyway , starting to miss the egg tarts already . *Drools* Walked around in Thomson Plaza wif Mum after lunch for a couple of hours . The place has undergone a tremendous change since my young young (ya lah , I'm old now lah !) days . Remember those times when Yaohan was still around ? Hehehe . Yep , *sighzz* , memories . Gone but not forgotten . Hmmm , back to work tomolo . Shucks . :( At least I've got some things to look forward to next week . Like a facial at Bioskin , my Triage course and hoping to catch this :
Not a huge fan of Zhang Ziyi , but I gotta admit she looks quite good here . From the trailers that I've seen lah . And Gong Li ! Nice !! The costumes !! My gawd ! Hee !! More another time , k ?
Just Me
NAME : ~Ranz~
D.O.B. : 24th October 1979
JOB : ~Don't mess with the Missy~
Will GetA degree
A Masters Degree
WantsA house of her own A car of her own
A Master's Degree (APN)