1. Would you marry for money ? - Why not ? $ can buy happiness . :p 2. Have you had braces ? - Never and hope I never need to . 3. Could you live without a computer ? - Nooo ...! 4. If you could live in any past time period, where would it be ? - No where . Past is past already , no point reliving it . 5. Do you drink enough water ? - Sadly , no . Tatz why my skin sucks ? 6. Do you wear shoes in the house or take 'em off ? - Bedroom slippers got lah . 7. What is your favorite fruit ? - Mangoes !! 8. What is your favorite place to visit ? - My bedroom ? Haha !! No lah , airport ? 9. Are you photogenic ? - Hmmm , okay lah . 10. Do you dream in colored or black and white ? - Coloured lah , U think I zebra ah ? 11.Why do you take surveys ? - Bored loh . 12. Do you drink alcohol ? - Sometimes but I don't like it . 13. What is the most beautiful language ? - Haha !! Body language ? 14. Do you like being kissed when you are asleep ? - Yes !! Nice wat . 15. WHAT do you like MOST ? Sunrise or sunset ? - Sunset 'coz time to sleep mah . 16. Do you want to live 100 years ? - No way !! Don't want to have sagging boobs ! 17. Is good grades important to you ? - Ya ! But can never achieve it one lah . 18. When you watch movies at home , do you like the lights switched on or off ? - Off , I love darkness !! 19. Do you believe in magic ? - Magic ink ? Hmm , maybe . 20. Do you like to watch cartoons ? - Okay lah . Magic Schoolbus especially . :D 21. At what age did you find out that Santa Claus wasn't real ? - Never really believed in him . 22. Do you write poems ? - No . 23. Do you snore ? - Breath loudly sometimes when I'm damned tired but snore , no complains yet . 24. Do you sleep more on your back, front, or sides ? - Sides . 25. Would you rather have a poodle or a rottweiler ? - Can I say Silky Terrier ? Had them all my life . Ha !! 26. Are you basically a happy person ? - No . Sour as a Sng-buay . :( 27. Are you tired ? - Ya lah !! 28. Did you drink anything with caffeine today ? - Ya , how U know ? Diet Coke leh . 29. Did u eat ? - Of course lah . Overeat some more . :( 30. Do you get along with your parents ? - Sometimes yes , sometimes no . Why ?? 31. Do you like anyone now ? - All the time . *Sighzz* 32. What do you do when you're sad ? - Eat ! And overeat ! 33. What do you need most now ? - $$ 34. What song are you listening to now ? - At this moment none lah , want my patients to scream at me ah ? 35. What are you craving for now ? - Roti prata . Thanks to Sammy !
So bloody cold tonight . But itz not raining leh . Hmmm , think the maintenance people are trying to freeze us alive . Can U imagine , I'm snuggled IN a blanket AT the nurses' counter . Too lazy & frozen to get my jacket from my locker . Hee !! Sighzz , I hate night shifts ! Be it 1 night or 3 nights . I just like the $ that comes with it that's all . Not that it's alot to begin with but better than nothing mah . Anyway , see , what goes around comes around . Haha ! Did I get that saying right ? Well , I just happened to make some ball-ball lanterns for Sister S. the other day and she's so delighted with them . Happen that she's on night also tonite and she came to thank me while doing her unit rounds . Not only that . She went out of her way to specially loan me a special mattress for one of my patients just because I mentioned that my colleagues were unable to get any from the whole hospital . So nice ! And she personally brought it over from her ward somemore . So paiseh . So U see , the world is really small . U wouldn't know who's help U may need one day , so better make more friends and less enemies . Ya lah !! Will remind myself lah ! Gosh , 4 more hours !! *Wails* :(
Just Me
NAME : ~Ranz~
D.O.B. : 24th October 1979
JOB : ~Don't mess with the Missy~
Will GetA degree
A Masters Degree
WantsA house of her own A car of her own
A Master's Degree (APN)