Haizzz... When the hell is my bout of bad luck gonna end ??! Oh gawd , why oh why ?! Is this some form of joke or punishment for a loser like me ? My mission in life is to stay invisible and lead a simple life but why is all these happening to me ? Why oh why ...?
My driving test is just next next week (20/02/2006) and I am kindda more prepared for it this round than the previous time (which I failed eventually) . But as fate would allow it , or NOT allow it , can U believe what happened ? When I turned up for lessons yesterday (09/02/2006) , imagine the shock I got , my instructor changed his car !!! To a much newer , cooler and nicer Nissan . My gawd !! I would have been extremely pleased on normal days but this shouldn't be happening 1 week before my f*cking test ! How am I going to get used to the vehicle in 1 freaking week ?! I mean , lotsa concepts and maneuvers gotta be altered . WTF ?! Not that I'm not up for changes but THIS SHOULDN'T BE HAPPENING WHEN MY TEST IS IN 1 F*CKING WEEK !! *Sobs* And the best thing is that I don't have much days to play around with next week , to force in more lessons 'coz of my f*cking shift work . I only managed to squeeze in 3 days . Haizzz... I'm definitely going to fail AGAIN ! Imagine the label I gotta carry AGAIN , "Ranz , the 2nd time failure" . My gawd ! The feeling sucks !! I've already wasted lotsa time and $ on learning how to drive , and see where I got to in the end ? Maybe I'm juz not destined to get the license . Maybe God knows that if I got a license , I'd probably kill someone someday , so for the sake of mankind , I'd better not get one . *Sighzz* Really very sad . Got home and bawled my eyes out . Dunno why I'm so affected , but wouldn't U be ? Knowing pretty well that U'll fail ? To me , it's just like a doctor telling me that I've got terminal cancer . No point treating , no hope , just wait to die . It's really that type of feeling U know ? I know it sounds insane and insensitive but it's exactly how I'm feeling , so bite me ! F*ck !
Anyway , please advise me on what I should do .. 1) Just go for it , cross my heart and hope that the skies are on my side and that I'll pass . 2) Go for the 3 lessons and see how . If things get better , as in I'm able to cope , then go for the test . If can't cope , don't even bother to go for the test . 3) Just go for the test and wait to fail . 4) Don't even bother to go for the 3 lessons , nor the test . Just wait for the whole thing to blow over then book a new test date . 5) Give up the dream of driving TOTALLY .
Just Me
NAME : ~Ranz~
D.O.B. : 24th October 1979
JOB : ~Don't mess with the Missy~
Will GetA degree
A Masters Degree
WantsA house of her own A car of her own
A Master's Degree (APN)