Ranz's Roster for June 2006 Monday to Sunday (05/06/2006 - 11/06/2006) A , A , M , A , M , DO , A .
Monday to Sunday (12/06/2006 - 18/06/2006) Mr , Ar , N , N , N , SD , DO .
Legend : M - Morning Shift A - Afternoon Shift N - Night Shift SD - Sleeping Day DO - Day Off r - Requested
Pffft ..! 3 nights again ! :( Hate it hate it hate it !!!
Anywayz , nothing much this week . Work work work as usual . Boring ..!! Sometimes I really think that I'm the most bored (not boring , ah !) and lifeless loser on Earth . Juz can't seem to find the motivation to do anything significant . Duh .. why's that ?! *Yelps in protest* Well , met the Nerd on Tuesday (30/05/2006) . Missed her ++ but what to do ? This gal is juz as busy as a bee . Ha ! Met her after her dance class in Chinatown Point and had dinner at the Swenson's there . Yum ! Both of us had Fish & Chips . Not too bad , not the battered type that I adore but can do lah , since both of us were famished . After dinner , curious me went to have a peek at the Cha Cha lessons back the Nerd's dance school . Cool !!! U see adults from all (and I really mean ALL) walks of life Cha Cha-ing away . Really admire them sia . U see young adults (ladies AND gentlemen) decked in their office wear & middle aged aunties AND uncles sashaying to the sexy Cha Cha beat . Makes me wanna join them too . But *haizz* , since I'm born wif like 3 left feet , think I shud juz stay by the side and ogle . Especially at the instructor Mr. A. Tan . OMG !! He's totally awesome & cool sia ! Tink hundred times more flexible and slinky than a snake . :p Haha !! Dunno how to describe lah , but juz totally impressed loh . :D Now I tink I can understand why the Nerd is crazy over dancing . 'Coz itz awesome !! *Haizz* But I shall save myself from becoming some squashed pumpkin ba . Too fat to shantay , sashay , sa sa , whatever ..! :D
Also , met up wif Vonne and Allan on Thursday (01/06/2006) after work , for our monthly 'refresher driving' . Ha ! So fun ! Finally fulfilled my greatest desire to cruise down TPE towards Yishun . First time ever , got the chance to use the 5th gear . Pwaah !! Shiok sia ! To finally be able to see my speed hit 90 to 100km/h . :D Speedy gonzales I am , and a dangerous one too . Many instances I wanted to overtake other vehicles and use Lane 3 but Allan (maybe fearing for our lives) told me to stay in Lane 2 . Boring . Anyway , suddenly realise that I didn't do any parking on that day . Nvm , must remember to do so the next time loh . Otherwise , know how to drive but dunno how to park , damn malu rite ? Lovable Allan oso brought us to some yummy food centre in Bedok where we had Fried Hokkien Mee , Popiah & Cheng Tng for dinner . Hahaha !! Muz ask him to bring us around to feast on more delicacies . :D Dear dear Allan . What will I be or do without him (ha ! Vonne's gonna faint) . Eh eh , before U guys think he's some lover of mine or what ah , I shall emphasise again that dear Allan is my driving instructor lah . An aged one too . Ha ! And a.k.a. to Vonne , my Godpa . Hee ! Really adore this old (but cool) joker . Made my driving life soooo... much more fun . :D
Off on Friday (02/06/2006) but still gotta return to my workplace . 'Coz brought mum to see an Orthopedic lokun at one of the clinics . Hee ! Another funny old man . Ermm , not that old lah but not young definitely . Hehehe ! OMG ! Suddenly realised that I'm quite into older men . OMG !!! Yikes !! Somebody stop me . Wahahaha ! No mah , some older men juz seem to have this type of charisma that attracts young ladies . Haha ! Professional older men that is . Or issit only me with such insane fetishes ? :p Well , gimme Richard Gere , Michael Douglas , Sean Connery , Chow Yun Fatt , Adam Cheng anytime . Get wat I mean ?? Heh ! Anyway , after the medical appointment , went wif mum to lunch in Chinatown . Ate some traditional stuff . Teochew Porridge at some old hawker centre and traditional Peanut Soup at a little Dessert Cafe . Yum . Quite a good change from my usual foodcourt or fast food meals . Shud make an attempt to visit these 'old' eating places more , before they slowly disappear someday . Also managed to drop by Guan Yin Temple for a long overdue prayer . :p
Zzzz .... getting sleepy . Wanna sleep liaoz . More updates another time , k ? *Yawnz*
Just Me
NAME : ~Ranz~
D.O.B. : 24th October 1979
JOB : ~Don't mess with the Missy~
Will GetA degree
A Masters Degree
WantsA house of her own A car of her own
A Master's Degree (APN)