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B-O-R-E-D .....

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Been quite an interesting week for moi .

Well , 1stly , had the most painful facial I've ever had in my life on Tuesday (16/05/2006) . Wahaha !! 'Coz it's a different treatment from my usual package mah . Tried BioSkin's ICE Therapy thingy . Wah seh !! Nearly cried . But I think it was kindda worth the pain . :D 'Coz my ugly face seem to smoothen out a little after that . For now that is . Wait till I start doing 3 nights again . I bet even some caviar facial will not be able to save me . *Haizz* Anywayz , the pain came from the high frequency 'shocks' . OMG !! The voltage must have been a zillion times stronger than the usual ones rendered to me . Like kana tattoo on my face like tat ?! Aiyoh !! I dunno how to describe lah but it felt like millions of needles poking my fat face at the same time . Haha !! Even Celine tot tat I was going to bash her up soon . Wahahah !! No lah ! Me brave gal . I actually ta-haned the whole terrifying process of 'shocking' . But otherwise , the rest of the facial was rather shiok as usual . Thanks to Celine's skillful hands and massaging . Bestest . Was supposed to meet up wif Sushi after the facial for dinner but her friend met wif a terrible terrible RTA , so she had to give our dinner 'date' a miss . Hope her fren pulls through and recovers , even though I dunno him at all . *Prayz hard*

Guess what ? I decided to do Soft Straightening to my hair once again . I guess thatz the best way to tame my unruly hair for the next 6 months ? *Haizz* $147 poorer 'coz of it . (On top of the $152 on my facial treatment , think I'll have to survive on nothing but water till next month . :( Lucky bonus coming , hopefully .) Anyway , rather pleased wif the results . Not so flat as the previous time 'coz AiLin didn't use the straightening iron on me this time . (Thanx to some brainless-other-customer of hers .) So at least now my hair looks abit more 'volume-nised' . But I look abit 'toot' lah , 'coz of the fresh cut that appears sooo ... straight . Wahaha !! Okay , juz gimme 1 week plus or so , k , then I wun look so stoopid . :D

Anywayz , it's here !! It's FINALLY here !!! My preeety N6280 . A little bulky but preeety !! Wahaha !! So happy . Abit cheem to use initially but I've since gotten the hang of it . Ha ! Nice ! But I think the resolution thingy is kindda lousy when 3G-ing , I guess , 'coz when I tried watching CNA on my phone , all I see are some blurry images but the sounds were okay lah . Oh well , wun really use it to watch 'TV' anyway . Juz wanna have the 'honor' of ever owning a 3G phone . Okay , 1-2-3 , everyone go ,"XIAO AH ?!" Hahah !! Wasting precious $ as usual . :(

Had a rather interesting exercise at my workplace on Friday (19/05/2006) . Rather realistic AND dramatic . It's to test our preparedness , shud the dreaded Avian Flu pandemic ever occur . *Prayz hard it doesn't* And guess what ? The exercise was aptly named the "Sparrowhawk Exercise" . Ha ! So birdy . Anywayz , as I was saying , the whole thing was really dramatic and I was 1 of the 'leading cast' for my department . Wahaha !! Had the MOH personnel breathing down my fat neck all the way up to CDC (which was my 1st ever visit there) . The whole thing was really an eye opener for all of us and boy are we glad that it's all over . Hahaha !! Went out wif pretty Yanxia for a mini dinner celebration after our 'ordeal' . Dun U juz thank your lucky stars & moons when U have RELIABLE staff standing by U in such times of audits or exercises ? Unlike some pathetic souls who try to escape it all AND gloating that U'll be the frontliner or that how lucky they are to escape the whole thing . Well , what can I say ? Losers !! Neah neah neah neah neah !! Go complain lah ! I dun care . And I dun think Sister A. would too . 'Coz they have the word 'LOSERS' imprinted on their foreheads and running in their bloody blood . Huh ? Bloody blood ? Blood that is bloody ? Wahaha !! Where was I ? Ya . Juz that and 1 word of advice , "U can escape once or twice , or even a few times , but U can't escape forever ." 'Nuff said .

Going to Zzzzz soon . But before I do , gotta write something about Old Chang Kee's curry puffs .

*Slurp* Never can get enough of them . Nevermind the other stuff like balls or squids or rolls or watsoever . Juz the yummy puffs and only the curry ones at that . The tot of those golden brown , fried to perfection , pockets of yummy potatoes , ummmm ... , juz 1 word , HEAVEN ! Hahah !! To me at least . I seem to love all sorts of curry puffs . (Not those flaky Polar type , though . 'Coz I'll drop most of it on the floor rather than in my trap .) Handy finger food . Good enough to make a meal . Ha ! I'm tat crazy . Can actually eat curry puffs as a meal . Ha ! Also love those mak-ciks' home-made ones but hard (or rather , lazy) to find lah .

*Haizzz* HUNGRYY !! Better sleep early so that tomolo will come faster , then I can go get some yummy Old Chang Kee's curry puffs . Wahaha !! ;p

Purred Ranz @ {20:48} 0 comments

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NAME : ~Ranz~
D.O.B. : 24th October 1979
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