1. Where were you 1 hour ago ? In Uncle Teo's room , feeding him . 2. When is the last time you filled up your gas tank ? My tummy U mean ? Juz 15 mins back . Ha ! 3. What is the most amount of money you spent in one store ? Few thousand got lah .Holidays , furniture ... 4. Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you ? Yep . Patients' temperature folder . 5. When is the last time you went to the mall ? Yesterday , to do Pedicure . 6. Are you wearing socks right now ? Eh , how U know ? 7. Do you have a car worth over $5,000 ? No ! Why would I want such a cheapo car ? 8. When was the last time you drove out of town ? Huh ? Out of town don't have lah . Drove around got lah . Last week . 9. Have you been to the movies in the last 5 days ? Nope . 10. Are you popular ? Notorious maybe ya . 11. What was the last thing you had to drink ? Sky juice (a.k.a. water lah) 12. What was the last thing you mailed in the mail ? Some contest thingy . 13. Do you wash your car ? No car !! Cat got lah . 14. Last fast food you ate ? Macs . 15. Where were you last week today ? Work work work !!! 16. Have you bought any clothing items in the last week ? Neah , too fat . 17. What bank do you use ? UOB , POSB . 18. Do you own any land ? Yeah , my dreamland . 19. What do you want to be when you "grow up" ? Rich & gorgeous . Ha !! Not possible . *Haizz* 20. Your dream vacation ? Rome , U.S.A. . 21.Last boat ride you went on ? Gosh ! Few years back in Pattaya ? 22. How old are your parents ? Dad = 59 , Mum = 51 . 24. Do you have any single friends ? Have , but not many . *Yikes* 25. Last play you saw ? Aiyoh !! Les Miserables ? 26. Have you been to New York ? Noooo ..!! I want . 27. What are your plans for tonight ? Sleep sleep sleep . 28. Last concert you went to ? Adam Cheng's (in Genting last year) . 29. Next trip you are going to take ? Genting again maybe ? No $$ mah . Any sugar daddies ? 30. Ever go to camp ? In secondary school . 31. Were you an honor roll student in school ? Wahaha !! Yeah , for getting into trouble maybe ? :) 32. What is your current GPA ? Wadda ? 33. Are you wearing any perfume or cologne ? Nope . Pureen Kiwi shower foam smell . 34. Are you hungry ? Now ? Nope . 35. Where is your best friend located ? Yishun also . 36. Do you own a cowboy hat ? Neah ! No horse wat . 37. Do you have a tan ? I'm burnt !! 38. How old do you want to be when you have kids ? Last time wish at 24 , now ...*Haizz* ... this lifetime ? 39. Do you collect anything ? Ya , dust ? 40. Is this quiz annoying ? Getting ... 41. Last time you got pulled over ? Humphh ! Last August , to this ward . 42. Ever been arrested ? Nooo ! Hope not . 43. Been to Mexico for Spring Break ? No leh . Sugar daddies again please ... 44. Do you like hot sauce ? Ketchup better . 45. Last time you drove somewhere ? Heh ! Last week . No where in particular , juz driving around . 46. Do you need to do laundry ? Yeah . Lucky my own only . 47. How many friends do you have ? Huh ?! How to count ?? 48. Are you someone's best friend ? Yeah . I'm my own best fren . 49. Are you rich ? Alemak !! Sugar daddies , please appear !! 50. What are you thinking right this minute ? Is he coming back or not ? *Haizz*
Just Me
NAME : ~Ranz~
D.O.B. : 24th October 1979
JOB : ~Don't mess with the Missy~
Will GetA degree
A Masters Degree
WantsA house of her own A car of her own
A Master's Degree (APN)