Green You're green , the color of growth and vigor . Good-hearted and giving , you have a knack for finding and bringing out the best in people . Green is the most down-to-earth color in the spectrum - reliable and trustworthy . People know they can count on you to be around in times of need , since your concern for people is genuine and sincere . You take pride in being a good friend . For you , success is measured in terms of personal achievement and growth , not by status or position . Rare as emeralds , greens are wonderful , natural people . It truly is your color ! Get yours here -->
Pffft ..! Great ! I'm my most hated color . Wahaha !! Stoopid reason why I hate the color green . Not really hate lah , but dun like it that much . All 'coz of an irritating gal I knew when I was in pre-primary (a.k.a. kindergarden) . Remember how tiny tots were grouped into groups ? And these groups were given names ? U know , blue group , red group etc ... . Anyway , this irritating gal was in the green group and I didn't like her one bit , so , naturally I dun like the colour green as well . Wahaha !! Silly rite ? Gosh ! I dun even remember why I found her irritating but I just did lah . Silly me , already making enemies when I could barely control my bladder . Ha !
Night shift again right now . ZZZzzzzzz ..! Having a very bad headache for the whole of today (26/04/2006) . Started out with a sprained neck 2 days ago and now this . *Haizzz* Am I stroking out or what ? Duh !
Just Me
NAME : ~Ranz~
D.O.B. : 24th October 1979
JOB : ~Don't mess with the Missy~
Will GetA degree
A Masters Degree
WantsA house of her own A car of her own
A Master's Degree (APN)