It's Raining , It's Falling .....
Saturday, January 07, 2006
It's raining AGAIN !!
It's been raining like forever leh . Well , at least the trees and strays won't go thirsty . :p
Anyway , slept like for eternity yesterday and today . Ha ! Weather nice mah . And it's my sleeping day and day off , post night shifts lah . Feel so rejuvenated now . Heavy head gone .
Best thing is , I'm off again tomolo . Hee !! :) Time for shopping and pampering .
Well , yesterday morning (06/01/2006) , went for breakfast wif Fah after night shift . Went to BK . Okay , quite yummy . Then I did wat I never did before !! Go shopping after night shift !!! Even though I was dead sleepy and tired . But I just had to do it . & I was glad I did , really . 'Coz Fah was like moody or wat , just had to buy something like tat . Hahaha !! So at least I was there to help give comments . Poor gal . Really not her usual self . Kindda sad and scared to see her like tat . Really , retail therapy helps when U're moody .
To Fah - I'm so sorry I can't stick around to have more crazy days wif U in the ward . Not my fault ah . Thanks to the bitch lah ! F**k her ! And dun worry , I'll always be around if U ever need me to . Dun need to paiseh , k ? AND , U deserve some1 better lah . :) Remember , Tomorrow WILL be a better day , okay . *Hugz*
Purred Ranz @ {18:13}