Kiwi the Proud Cat & Petrie the Pretty Baby Puppy .
Hee !! Met Sam at 11am today . Went for a yummy lunch at Pastamania . Had my usual "Chicken Sausage Linguini" AGAIN . Yummy !! I've never really tried other pastas or other flavours at Pastamania as I'm totally addicted to it . *Slurp* Especially with generous sprinkles of Parmesan cheese . Ooo-la-la !! Ha !! Cindy , do U regret not joining us ? Hee !! ;p Anyway , after that hearty lunch , we went walking around . Yikes , & guess what ? I blew $116 on some Origins products in like , less than 10 minutes ?! *Sheepish* I got some masks , body scrubs & lip gloss . Need to pamper myself mah . Hee ! Self console or what ? :p Well , we then proceeded to NTUC . U muz be wondering what are 2 young gals doing in NTUC ??! Well , we were BUSY getting our stocks for "Sam's & Ranz's Private Kitchen" !! Muahahaha !! Itz a secret ..! Only the 2 of us know what it's all about . Hehehe . *Evil laugh* After leaving NTUC with our 'loot' , Sam's daddy sweetly gave us a lift from Tampines Mall to their home 'coz I wanna visit Petrie . Thankoo Uncle !! So thoughtful . What can I say ? Petrie's truly adorable !! She's so tiny and licky & ....ha ...just simply cute lah !! : ) I haven't seen such a small puppy in a very very long time . And U know what ? She really pees alot !! Hahaha !! So cute . To Cindy - Don't worry !! Petrie also flips to her back & sticks her paws up in resignation when she sees ME . So dun take her actions personally , okay ? Hehehehe . It's not your fault lah . Anyway , watched 'Shutter' in Sam's cozy room as well . Ermm.... Gross show . The ending especially. Ha ! Well , left at around 4pm plus . *Sighzz* Gotta go back to work tomorrow . Really NOT looking forward to it . Hmmm... But the thing to look forward to is having dinner with Ward 16's gang tomorrow evening at Kublai Khan International & Mongolian B.B.Q. Restaurant . Another day of feasting again . Yummy !! ;p
Just Me
NAME : ~Ranz~
D.O.B. : 24th October 1979
JOB : ~Don't mess with the Missy~
Will GetA degree
A Masters Degree
WantsA house of her own A car of her own
A Master's Degree (APN)