Humpty Dumpty Sat on the Wall .....
Saturday, November 26, 2005
... and U all know what Humpty Dumpty did after that rite ? Yup ! He had a great fall !!
Well , unfortunately , that's what happpened to ANOTHER of my patients last night . (Actually , it's this morning at 00 30hrs .) This is the second time we gotta put up an incident report in 2 weeks !! Gosh !! No wonder Sister A is so mad . I've NEVER seen her angry before , so , it was pretty shocking to see her reaction when we broke the bad news to her this morning . Sighzzz... And to think that she just roll-called to us yesterday about being more vigilant when taking care of high risk patients , and this had to happen . Gosh !! Really felt like sticking my head into some shit hole , man . Though the incident didn't happen during my time , I really feel just as bad . For the patient , for my colleagues and for Sister A . It didn't help when Sister C came in the morning to give her comments . Well , I don't blame her lah , honestly okay . No one expected this at all but like what Sister A always says , "a fall is NOT unpreventable ." Guess we gotta be very very careful from now loh .
And sorry girls , I really think that if we don't improve on that , we can kiss our 5-day work week goodbye . *sobs*
Anyway , WTF !! 1 staff got deployed again , leaving only me & Miin Yih & Sister A . Though we've only got 5 patients , one of the patient's dressings really took up alot of our time ! Imagine Miin Yih & I were stuck in the room for 2 hours !! Not only did the temperature of the room shoot up , my temper was beginning to rocket sky high as well . Ha ! So sorry Miin Yih . Gotta get used to me okay ? Or rather , I'd better learn to cool down . Thank goodness Sister A was outside 'jagar-ing' for us . She was so sweet to serve lunch , discharge Mr K , AND to buy both of us a cup of Cherryade also . Hehehe !! Made us feel like kids again . Hee ! Thanks 'Mum' !
But after being so long in this place , this is the first day I felt useful again . Ha ! It is that bad okay ....
Purred Ranz @ {18:52}