Tired ..... & Headache-y .....
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
09 15hrs :
Dermatology team done with their only patient in the ward , so now , awaiting the Medical team to come . Boring ... I mean , what can be new ? What new orders can there be ? Let me predict today's orders okay ? (1) Continue IV Tienam for patient A (2) Collect Sputum AFB & continue IV Tazocin for patient B . That would be all !! Ha !! Ya . Life in this ward is just THAT exciting and I'm learning THAT many new things here !! Thanks , bitch , for giving me all these . I'm sure it makes you EXTREMELY gleeful to see me THAT 'happy' eh ?! G&D !! I tell U , all these will just make me stronger and HATE U EVEN MORE !! F*#ker !! Sorry for my language but I can only think of vulgarities to describe this bitch , man ! Arghhh !!
Anyway , was rudely awoken from my beauty slumber at 03 45hrs this morning by an ex-patient !! Can U believe it ??!! Ex-boyfriend would have been more acceptable but ex-PATIENT ??!!! OMG !! Nearly fainted . And itz all thanks to Noorlina . Grrrr..... ! Hey gal , I shall forgive U 'coz it's your last night shift and I take into consideration that U didn't have a good rest in the day . Otherwise , U would have really received the sharper end of my tongue that will make U get nightmares for the rest of your life . Muahahaha !! No kidding ! And DON'T ever do that again !! Hahaha ! Well , not as though this ex-patient is some handsome , young hunk or some pretty girl that I don't mind chatting with in the wee hours of the morning . This guy is an Ah-Pek for heaven's sake ! And a 'chee-ko-pek' at it !! OMG !! Think I'll still be hearing from him for quite a while , now that he has located me in my new ward . ('Thanks' to the gals in Ward 16 , ah !) Damn it !! After the rude awakening , I couldn't get back to sleep , hence the fatigue and headache . Grrrrr .....!
Now , that's another bad luck for me ...... *Wonders when my bout of bad luck will end . Sighzz*
Purred Ranz @ {10:15}