What a sway morning . Well , everyone , I FAILED my driving test . Grrrrr..... *Sighzzz* Nothing more to say , just gotta try again . Here's how I fared : Circuit = 0 points ( Unbelievable !! Thought that I'll fail there 'coz I always make mistakes there , but today was my lucky day in it . But my luck really ends there only . *sobs*) Forward Driving - Fail to Keep within Lane = 6 points - Speed too slow = 2 points (How can it be ?! Everyone knows I love to speed .) - Cause other vehicles to slow down or take evasive action = 8 points (Damn !) Junction - Incorrect positioning = 2 points - Improper turning (Wide turn) = 2 points Safety Check - Take too long in checking blind spot/mirror = 4 points (Check oso wrong . Damn !) - Fail to look out for traffic (Junction) = 4 points So , there U have it , 28 points= FAILED . Just gotta try harder the next time . Xianz ... Thought if can pass first time , can save bonus for a holiday next year . Haven't gone for a holiday in a long time . Sighzzz..... Guess I'll still be stuck in Singapore for quite some time loh . To Allan - I'm so sorry . Disappointed you . I know U got high hopes on me but I fail to live up to your expectations . *sobs* I was managing the failure okay lah but when I saw your disappointed face , I just started to tear . So sorry lah . I try harder the next time okay ? *Muacks* To Sushi - I'm so sorry oso . Kiv can't go HK liao . Really gotta depend on how big our bonus is this year loh . If I can make it , we'll still go okay ? Otherwise , we go near near like Genting , okay ? Haha ! And thanks Adam for me okay ? I know he must have watched over me in the circuit 'coz I didn't make any mistakes there . Hee ! But why didn't he follow me on the road ? *Sighzz* But I'm thankful liao lah . To Kak Wati - Hee !! See , I told U your chickens will be spared the pot and Masak Merah . Muahahaha . Maybe the next time okay ? Love U lots and lots also . *Muacks* To ALL my Frens (near & far , in S'pore , in air , U know who U are) - Thanks for all your prayers and well wishes . Your stooopid fren here just can't live up to standard lah . Such a loser . So sorry . Love U guys . *Hugz* To Mum - 'Thanks' for your "Sure fail , lah !" encouragement last nite before the test . 'Thanks' for always looking down on me . So it doesn't come as a surprise to me , and U , ya ? But still love U lah . To Dad - Love U for your silent support . Thanx for buying so much breakfast to comfort me silently . U know I'll always turn to food when I'm sad . *Hugz* And finally , To Mr Yeo S.S. (tester) - DAMN U !! Muahahaha !! Feeling much better after the last tribute . Hee !!
Just Me
NAME : ~Ranz~
D.O.B. : 24th October 1979
JOB : ~Don't mess with the Missy~
Will GetA degree
A Masters Degree
WantsA house of her own A car of her own
A Master's Degree (APN)