Yippeee..... I've 2 more hours to go . I really hate night shifts , U know . It's taxing on my brains , my temper and my complexion . (Not that my complexion is good to start with . But night shifts juz makes it even more shitty ! Damn !) Grrrr..... Really admire Kak Wati & Kak Jam , and so many others out there , who can simply tahan doing permanent nights . Gosh ! How do U guys do it ?! I guess if it wasn't for the $$ (and not that it's alot) , I wouldn't even want to do it at all !! *Sobs* Imagine everyone snuggling comfortably in bed , here I gotta wipe asses , give IVs , write reports & the list goes on ..... Blehhh ...! Anyway , my 1st & 2nd nights were pretty satisfying . Why ? 'Coz for the 1st time in almost 3 months , I felt like a useful nurse all over again ! Ha ! 'Coz the patient load was FINALLY more than 8 & I had lotsa IVs and medication to administer . Ha ! & I was up and about most of the time . Hee ! Burning calories at last . But alas , my happiness was short lived . Much to my dismay , when I turned up for my 3rd night last night , I found alot of my patients being transferred out ! Damn it ! Thanx to stooopid Dr H. , who's having some wild 'conspiracy' as usual ! WTF !! So now I'm being thrown back to square 1 , caring for a pitiful amount of patients . *Sighzzz* I'm getting tired of this whole damn issue . Going to work everyday , unsure of my fate & existence . I really miss my days in Ward 16 , where I know what's coming and where I can be in control . Damn it ! I'm just getting sick and tired of Nursing in general . Hating it more and more . Really wishing and praying hard everyday that I can get out of it . Really sad to say that but it's really true from my heart . Gosh ! I'm such a loser ! But what the heck ?! My main aim in my meaningless life these days is just to get my monthly salary and get by day by day . No more dreams , no more ambitions , no more goals ... No point having those . *Sighzzz* By the way , I realised that Mr PPC has passed away in MICU . Pretty shocking . Must have died of heartache . He just seem to have deteriorated after learning that his only family doesn't want to take him home . Ugly facts of life ! It's really happening , U know ? Seen so many of such cases . Still makes me sad & wonder what life is all about . As mum would always say , it's due to karma . But why , oh why ....? Anyway , rest in peace Mr PPC . I really dunno what else to say to U . *Sighzzz*
Just Me
NAME : ~Ranz~
D.O.B. : 24th October 1979
JOB : ~Don't mess with the Missy~
Will GetA degree
A Masters Degree
WantsA house of her own A car of her own
A Master's Degree (APN)