Oh my ! How my baby has grown ! 13 00 hrs : Waiting for my morning shift to end . Arghhh ...! Still got 1&1/2 hours to go . Thinking of happy thoughts to keep me occupied till then . Ha ! Then I thought of my manja baby Miu Miu . MUST write something about her lah !! Hehehehe !! Well , she's the youngest of my brood of 'children' . She's about one and a half years old to date . Keep thinking back of the time when I first saw her . So tiny !! But my gawd ...!! Look at her now . She grew from the picture on the left , to the picture on the right , in a matter of like 6-8 months ?! Muahahaha !! I know it's not funny lah but hey , I didn't over feed her , okay . I repeat , I DIDN'T OVER FEED HER . Rather , she over ate . Whatz the difference , U say ? Well , she 'ka-poks' food from my other 2 babies . What to do ?! Somebody stop her !! But don't worry , she's more controlled now and has maintained the same size lah . Not getting any bigger liao lah . Hee !! Psssst : She was 5.9 kg the last time she was weighed at the vet's . Hahaha !! *Shy*
Just Me
NAME : ~Ranz~
D.O.B. : 24th October 1979
JOB : ~Don't mess with the Missy~
Will GetA degree
A Masters Degree
WantsA house of her own A car of her own
A Master's Degree (APN)