A is for age : Old liao lah , 26 years old loh . :( B is for booze of choice : Soyabean drink can or not ? Makes me high . Really ! C is for career : Cleaning asses . Damn it , wanna leave lah ! *prayz hard* D is for your dad's name : R. Tan C.C. E is for essential items to bring to a party : Food , drinks , myself ?? F is for favourite song at the moment : My Humps my humps my humps my humps ! G is for favourite game : Resident Evil 3 Nemesis !! On Playstation . H is for home town : Good old Singapore . I is for instruments you play : 0 talents lah . Scissors & forceps considered ? J is for jam or jelly you like : Strawberry Jam !! Yum . Or Marmalade oso can . K is for kids : Ideally 3 ? L is for living arrangements : Hiyah , still staying wif parents loh . Wish to have my own place , someday .. *dreams away* M is for mom's name : M. Tan S.H. N is for name of your crush : Hee ! Secret mah .. O is for overnight hospital stays : 1 nite only , on 23/11/2004 , to remove some ruptured cyst . *Ouch* P is for phobias : Losing my things , my loved ones , my MIND ?! Q is for quotes you like : Bloody Sh*t or hell , Damn it ! , etc .. R is for relationship that lasted the longest : 26 years . Parent-daughter relationship , sister-sister relationship loh .. Haha ! S is for sexual preference : Of course GUYS lah ! T is for time you wake up : Aiyoh , anytime lah , no fixed time one . U is for underwear : Comfy cotton , any colors . V is for vegetables you love : Small white veggie . (Erm , Xiao Bai Cai ?) In oyster sauce , BESTEST ! W is for weekend plans : Work loh , or else will be lazing at home . Weekend too many people lah , so packed ! X is for x-rays you've had : Chest , tooth .. Y is for yummy food you make : Sweet & sour fish slices . Hey ! I can cook okay ?! Can ask my family . Z is for zodiac sign : The 1 wif a poisonous sting .
Just Me
NAME : ~Ranz~
D.O.B. : 24th October 1979
JOB : ~Don't mess with the Missy~
Will GetA degree
A Masters Degree
WantsA house of her own A car of her own
A Master's Degree (APN)