Till my next off day on Sunday (18/12/2005) . Darn it ! Mentally and physically exhausted . Been working since last Wednesday (07/12/2005) till now . It's only been 1 week but it sure felt like eternity . Days dragging by with the same bloody monotonous routine . *Sighzz* Really praying hard for the day to come , when I can leave this bloody , f**king job ! Grrr .. I think I would have been driven to insanity if not for a nice and understanding boss now , as well as some (yes , only some , not all !) dear colleagues , who are there to help me forget my misery . Thank U peeps ! Thank U so much for making my days much easier to pass . *Hugz* Gosh ! I know I should be contented that I've such a stable job , and this current place that I'm working in is not that bad actually . What is wrong with me ?! There are so many people out there , jobless , and here I am , complaining to the nine skies of heaven (Huh ?! Oso dunno what I'm saying , lah .) . Always grumbling , never satisfied , blaming , HATING (the bitch..) ..etc.. Clamoring for a dream job thatz so beyond my reach . *Sighzz* When will all these end ? Maybe when I die .. ? Really wish sometimes that I can live my f**ked up life all over again . I know itz impossible lah but just dreaming away as usual . Anyway , depressing issues aside . Guess what I did yesterday ?! Grrr ..! I actually snapped the earphones of my beloved Creative Zen Touch Mp3 player !! Hoo hoo !! So I had to endure my whole bus journey without any music . *Sobs* And I gotta part wif another $64 for these 2 items .
Luckily I got them online , so they're slightly cheaper . But sadly , I can only collect them after Thursday . *Sobs* Gotta endure another few days of boring bus rides . :( Anyway , I'm eyeing this for my room . Any takers ? Hee !
Well , can't wait for my facial appointment on Thursday with Sushi . Yippee !! Face is like shit , so need my monthly pampering . Muahahah !!
Just Me
NAME : ~Ranz~
D.O.B. : 24th October 1979
JOB : ~Don't mess with the Missy~
Will GetA degree
A Masters Degree
WantsA house of her own A car of her own
A Master's Degree (APN)