Well , starting to like my new-found flat head . Muahahaha !! At least itz better than having a messy , scanty head rite ? :D Afternoon shift yesterday (8/11/2005) , managed to reach my work place with neat hair . And the wind was quite strong okayyy...! So gals , I strongly recommend U to go for Soft Straightening at Kimage . Really good treatments and services !! Abit costly lah , but it's well worth it . Anyway , it was another boring day at work . Left with 3 patients only . Grrr.... Just because Dr H. is on leave , no patients get sent to us . Itz so unfair !! Then we'll risk getting deployed again . Grrr..... WTF ! Well , my shift started out with me getting damn pissed with the incessant naggings by one of my senior colleagues . Ya , no doubt she's motherly and all that but gosh , U should hear her nag . She'll nag about anything under the sun and U have no choice but to listen as no one can really make her stop . Sometimes , I have this evil thought of shoving a bun in her mouth . Muahahaha !! Aiyoh , sorry lah , but everyone has his/her limits , wat !! Grrr... Anyway , happy to receive an e-mail for a 'certain' job interview this Saturday . I know I'm highly unlikely to get that 'most-sort-after' dream job , but getting invited to the interview is good enough for me . Muahahah . Such a loser in life eh ? Anyway , managed to clear 1 day's leave for Saturday . Fingers crossed , legs crossed , eyes crossed ..... Also , had lotsa time to sit down and plan what tricks to play on Eileen Eng's husband this Friday . Well , who ask her to ask me to be one of her 'sisters' . So , Alvin , too bad for U !!! Ne ne ne ne neh !! Prepare to suffer !! Muahahaah . Neah , just hope things turn out fun and fine . Afterall , just hope that everyone has a good time and Alvin marries Eileen lah !! That's the whole main point . Finally going to get my long overdue facial this Saturday also . Going to meet Sushi in the afternoon and off to Bioskin we go . Ummmm .... Can't wait to relax there . But sigh , didn't manage to book my favourite therapist , Celine . See , she's so hot !! Grrrr....
Just Me
NAME : ~Ranz~
D.O.B. : 24th October 1979
JOB : ~Don't mess with the Missy~
Will GetA degree
A Masters Degree
WantsA house of her own A car of her own
A Master's Degree (APN)