Hands Full , Pockets Empty .....
Sunday, November 13, 2005
Well , had an early start to my day yesterday (12/11/2005) . Left house at almost 7.20am and only came back almost at 10pm . I know for some people itz a norm for them to have such timetable but for an 'ageing' me , it was quite a feat lah . Muahahaha . But it was fun-filled , though .
Anyway , my day started out with THE interview . Ha ! As expected , didn't get past round 1 . But I was happy to even be invited there and to be able to meet 1 gal that I was chatting wif in a job forum . Very sweet and nice gal .
To Paige - Don't give up trying okay ?? For all U know , U may succeed someday soon .
To Yolene - Congrats for getting further than me and Paige . Do your best in the coming rounds okay ? Hope to see U one day , up THERE . Hee !
Anyway , this job is just a dream for me that I can continue to dream on lah . Muahahaha . Really ! Itz simply too unreachable for me . Time is not on my side . Should have had a go at it when I was younger but alas ..... too late for regrets lah . My life is just filled with lotsa them . Regrets .....
So , to all of U reading this , for the sake of my feelings , DO NOT ask what the interview was all about . I'll say it once I'm ready okay ?? Thanks . Hee !
Anyway , met Sushi at noon for a SUPER-LICIOUS facial at Bioskin .
To Pink - Thanks a million for arranging Celine to be my therapist .
To Celine - U are the BEST !!
Muahahaha . Anyway , my spending spree started from there . Bought $133.35 worth of skincare products from Bioskin . But anything from Bioskin is really well worth it lah . Their services and products are really good , U know .
Then , went for lunch at Sakae Sushi . Yum . Spent about $38+ there . Lucky my UOB credit card gave me some discount there . Not much but it's still something .
Then , went for a meaningless hair wash and blow at some run-down salon nearby . Muhahaha . Just wash and blow cost me $25 ! Not even a styling was done leh . Shud have checked the price first . With that price , I could get a wash , a blow and cut AND style at Kimage by a senior stylist , U know ?? Anyway ..... Ha ! U should have seen Sushi's face when her stylist was styling her hair . That Ah-Pek was trying so hard to be creative and stylo with his styling but I was trying very hard to control my urge to burst out laughing . Muahaha . Pity Sushi .
Then , both of us brisk walked to Suntec to catch "The Exorcism of Emily Rose" . Wheee ! It was fun to weave through the crowd at high speed . Ha ! Hope no one was injured . Anyway , the movie was .... erm .... very shocking and how to say ... satanic ? And it was based on a true story . Very much like "The Exorcist" loh . But it was okay lah . At least I didn't say lousy . It just left me speechless , knowing that it was a real tragedy that happened .
After the movie , walked around Suntec , Marina and The Esplanade , soaking in the beautiful sights and sounds for a while before heading home .
Actually , come to think of it , I didn't spend that much today . Rather , I spent more the previous day . Shopping also . Just know that I spent close to $500 in 2 days which is usually quite unlikely of me . But what the heck , once a while should be okay lah ! Hee !! Excuses !
Just counting down the days to my driving test next week . Yikes !! *prayz hard*
Purred Ranz @ {12:03}