Last night (13/11/2005) , I attended the wedding dinner of Eileen & Alvin at Orchard Parade Hotel . Food & ambience were okay only but the company was really good . Had 'live' entertainment from Ashraff . He's one of the most hilarious doctors whom I've ever worked with . Really full of crap but he's a kind person at heart (I guess !) . Muahahaha . Tummy was filled with air from laughing too much . Anyway , they aired a lovely video of the couple . Showing photos of their young days till the day of the traditional ceremony . Muahahaha . Poor Alvin was captured ++ , suffering under the 'wrath' of the 'sisters' . Hee ! Something which he'll never forget I guess , as everytime he sees me and Vonne , he'll wag his finger at us accusingly and say "U better remember , the Earth is round ." with jokingly narrowed eyes . Muahahaha !! Hey Alvin , cool it lah , or not U think marry Eileen so easy ah ? Hehehe !! Whatever U say ..... Well , our table also concocted a 'poisonous' drink for the couple . It consisted of red wine , coke , beer , some other liquor and VINEGAR !! Muahahaha . What the hell was that ?! But they were sporting enough to take a sip from it and accept a toast from us with beer . Could see by the time the dinner ended , Eileen was quite drunk as she was blabbering nonsense and talking damn loudly . Muahahaha , kindda funny seeing her get out of control . That's why I never did like alcohol . Hate the taste anyway and can't bear the thought of losing control of myself and doing disgraceful things . Hmmmm.... there goes another of my friends getting married . When will be my turn ? *dreams away of a fairytale wedding* P/s : Don't U all just have to agree that I have a f*#kingly big and fat head ?! Grrrr.....
Just Me
NAME : ~Ranz~
D.O.B. : 24th October 1979
JOB : ~Don't mess with the Missy~
Will GetA degree
A Masters Degree
WantsA house of her own A car of her own
A Master's Degree (APN)