Well , yesterday (7/11/2005) was an okay day at work . Only 4 pathetic patients , so not much things to do . Getting bored . Anyway , did lotsa telephoning to various departments , thanks to the requests of Dr. N . Ha ! It was kindda fun I have to admit . At least I learnt something new . (Huh ?!) Surprised that I can actually learn something new in Ward 17 . Muahahaha !! Really miss Ward 16 . The staff and kind of work lah . Definitely don't miss being under the eagle (or EVIL) eyes of thewitchand thebitch . I have thebitchto thank for my current predicament . Well , dunno whether I'm wrong about her , but hey , I don't see things on the bigger picture U see , so U can't blame me . Anyway , I still really HATE HER TO THE CORE !!! Anyway , angry issues aside , went for some hair treatment after work . Getting really bored with my hair . Really dunno what to do to it anymore . Itz too short to be cut further but I just really can't stand the mess . And I'm born with very little hair on a big , fat , pancake head , so there's nothing really much I can do . So ,,, I did Soft Straightening to it . Muahahaha . At least itz neater now but it juz looks damn flat on my big , fat , pancake head loh . I juz hope people don't start laughing at me , man . Would post some pictures here if I can . Oh well , counting down the days to Eileen Eng's wedding , my driving test and my next appointment for a facial and massage & scrub (which I haven't made due to erratic schedule) ..... Grrrr... Boring !!
Just Me
NAME : ~Ranz~
D.O.B. : 24th October 1979
JOB : ~Don't mess with the Missy~
Will GetA degree
A Masters Degree
WantsA house of her own A car of her own
A Master's Degree (APN)