Date of Birth : 24/10/1979 Eastern Sign : Sheep Western Sign : Scorpio
The word 'can't' doesn't exist in your vocabulary . You're an eternal optimist , which is why you're so popular . People are attracted to your positive outlook , and gain great inspiration from your company . You dream of a world in which everyone can work together in harmony . Quite often , you launch volunteer projects , bringing your friends along as helpers . You would do very well living on a commune or a kibbutz . Work seems more like play when you're surrounded by friendly , cooperative people . A strong humanitarian streak could draw you to work in the nonprofit field . You would make an excellent fundraiser or grant writer . Building homes for the poor might also appeal to you , as would feeding the homeless . Ultimately , your work should involve making the world a better place for everyone . Performing good works not only makes you feel good , but valued by society . It also allows you to work in an environment that is less adversarial than most industries . You've got a vibrant personality that can light up a room . Although you have a strong social conscience , that doesn't stop you from having fun . You love parties and dancing . Perhaps the disco craze fueled your own love of dance . If you ever feel blue , head for a club with a group of pals . Troubles seem to melt away after you hit the dance floor ! You have many loyal , kind friends who fill your life with joy . Generous , thoughtful Geminis , Virgos , Sagittarians , and Pisceans have lots in common with you , and make loving pals . With regard to romance , you need a partner who is devoted and down-to-earth . Once you commit to somebody , it will be for keeps . You don't take relationships lightly . Your greatest challenge is to guard your health . Sometimes your zeal to help folks can get in the way of your own self-care . Make a concerted effort to eat nutritious foods and get plenty of exercise . Your biggest blessing is your unselfish nature . A generous spirit like yours is truly precious .
Awww... Sounds good to me . Wat U think ? True ? Not true ? True ? Not true ? True ? Not true ? ..... Hahaha . Got this from Vinny babe . Watz yours babe ? Post up leh . Anyway , get yours here :
Just Me
NAME : ~Ranz~
D.O.B. : 24th October 1979
JOB : ~Don't mess with the Missy~
Will GetA degree
A Masters Degree
WantsA house of her own A car of her own
A Master's Degree (APN)