Feeling Under the Weather .....
Monday, March 13, 2006
Gosh ! Feeling rather sick . Neck & shoulders aching , head 'floating' , eyes blurry . Why's that ?? Grrr... Hate feeling sick . Neah , I guess it's due to the insane weather lately and the lack of proper meals . Eating lotsa junk lately . :p Probably too heaty . And also not receiving my adequate dose of fruits and vegetables and beauty Zzzzzz ..... . *Haizzz* Muz try to get more of those .
Anyway , had a disastrous day at work yesterday morning (12/03/2006) . Shall not elaborate on it 'coz it'll only rekindle my feelings of anger , disappointment and sadness . At myself and some people . Couldn't sleep well last nite 'coz of the horrid shift and I juz wanna put the whole f*cked up day away into some corner of my pig brain . Arghhh ..!! Blood boiling again ! Somebody stop me !
Can't wait till the end of next week , where I'll be out of action for a few precious days . Need my well deserved break sia . Extremely tired these days . Getting old maybe . Haha !!
Well , what do U think of this :

Muahaha ! I wouldn't say it's my dream car but I really find it kindda cute . :D Reminds me of my fat kitten Miu Miu . Hee ! And definitely banana yellow's NOT my color . Probably hot chilli red or cool blue would be good . *Haizzz* *Dreams away*
Purred Ranz @ {18:35}