It's Damn F*cking Hot .....
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
And I can't fall asleep . So here goes ...
How many keys are on your keychain ?
3 . 1 for the main door , 1 for the grille , 1 I seriously dunno . :p
What curse word do you use the most ?
F*ck !
Do you own an iPod ?
Nope . Creative's Zen Touch can or not ?
What time is your alarm clock set for ?
05 00hrs . Standard one .
How many suitcases do you own ?
2 .
Do you wear flip-flops even when it's cold outside ?
Yep yep !! Love flip-flops . Yes I know , very 'Aunty' rite ?
Where do you buy your groceries from ?
NTUC , sometimes Cold Storage . See which one fresher and cheaper .
Would you rather take the picture or be in the picture ?
Both lah .
What was the last movie you watched ?
Memoirs of a Geisha .
Do any of your friends have children ?
Aiyoh , so many . Kak Wati , Kak Jam , and the list goes on and on and on ...
If you won the lottery , what's the first thing you would buy ?
A CAR !!!
Has anyone ever called you lazy ?
Yes ! All the time . By mum loh . Who else ?! Pffft ...!
Do you ever take medication to help you fall asleep faster ?
Yep . Piriton .
What CD is currently in your CD player ?
CD ?! Watz that ? Heard of Mp3 ??
Do you prefer regular or chocolate milk ?
CHOCOLATE milk !! Yum !
Has anyone told you a secret this week ?
Hmmm , I dun think so . Wasn't paying attention .
When was the last time someone hit on you ?
Hmmm , let me recall ...
What did you have for dinner ?
Naan and curry . Last nite's leftovers .
Do you wear hoodies often ?
Wat the hell is tat ?!
Can you whistle ?
Yep . Pweet !
Have you ever participated in a protest ?
All the time . Against mum & dad . Ha !
Who was the last person to call you ?
Let me check ...
What is your favorite ride at an amusement park ?
Hmmm .. Dun really fancy rides . Chickadee lah .
Do you think people talk about you behind your back ?
Of course lah . Can't stop them wat .
What area code are you in right now ?
I have NO idea .
Did you watch cartoons as a child ?
Of course lah . Still do now . Ha ha !
How big is your local mall ?
Northpoint ? Quite small . 1 hour can walk finish type .
How many siblings do you have ?
1 elder sister only . Many pets though .
Are you shy around the opposite sex ?
Why shud I be ??
What is your biggest regret ?
Being born .
Have you ever had Jamba Juice ?
Orange juice got lah .
When was the last time you laughed so hard your sides hurt ?
Hahaha ! Got lah . This year I think but I forgot over wat .
What movie do you know every line to ?
"My Best Friend's Wedding" !!
Do you own any band t-shirts ?
No !
When was your last plane ride ?
*Sobs* 2003
How many chairs are at your dining room table ?
6 .
What is your favorite salad dressing ?
Thousand Island I guess .
Do you read for fun ?
Trashy magazines only . NEVER did like books .
Can you speak any languages other than English ?
Mandarin and Cantonese , some Hokkien .
Do you do your own dishes ?
When I'm in the washing mood , yes .
What color is your bedroom painted ?
Blue and white .
Have you ever cried in public ?
Yes ! Many times . Last time lah , try not to now .
Do you have a desktop computer or a laptop ?
Desktop only . No $$ mah .
Which do you make : wishes or plans ?
I wish I wish ...
Are you always trying to learn new things ?
Only things that interest me .
Do you shower on a daily basis ?
Aiyoh ! Of course lah ! Tink wat ? Survivor Singapore ah ?
Are you currently wanting any piercings or tattoos ?
Yeh ! More piercings wud be good . Ears , nose , belly button , nipple ??!
Do you believe that the guy should pay on the first date ?
Would be polite if he does .
Can you skip rocks ?
Throw rocks can lah . BEWARE !!
Have you ever been to Jamaica ?
Nope , and never tot of going .
What do you like to snack on at the movie theatres ?
Typical popcorn popper and lemon tea guzzler .
Who was your favorite teacher ?
My primary school form teacher , Mr. Cheng F.W. . Too bad he's gone liao . *Sobs*
What is the weather like ?
Damn f*cking hot !!
Would you ever date someone covered in tattoos ?
Hmmm .. Why not ? But again , maybe not .
Do you have an online journal ?
U're looking at it .
What was your favorite class in high school ?
P.E. & Home Econs . Took Home Econs for only 2 years , though .
Do you enjoy traveling via airplanes ?
Of course lah !! Love it ! Wish I can fly EVERYDAY ! Love the feeling .
What personality trait is a must-have in the opposite sex ?
Kindness .
Have you ever been attracted to someone physically unattractive ?
I don't think so .
When was the last time you slept on the floor ?
Last year I think .
What is your favorite alcoholic drink ?
Ribena considered ?
Does your closest Starbucks have a drive-thru ?
I dun tink so 'coz it's on Level 2 in Northpoint .
Do you like your living arrangement ?
Love the house !! But not the people in it . Sometimes only lah . When the nagging doesn't stop .
What is your mother's hometown ?
Singapore lah , ah bo ? Teng-sua ah ? Haha !
How many hours of sleep do you need to function ?
Maybe 5 hours ?
Do you eat breakfast daily ?
No such luxury .
What was the last thing to scare you ?
Just last week ! When 1 of my old patient jumped out of bed . He wanted to kill himself .
Are your days full and fast-paced ?
Neah . Boring boring ...!
Did you ever get in trouble for talking in class ?
A few times but I usually I very 'guai' one . *Coughs*
What is your favorite fruit ?
Mango .
Do you pay attention to calories on the back of packages ?
Hee ! Sometimes . But still fat leh . *Haizz*
How old will you be turning on your next birthday ?
My gawd !! 27 !!
Are you picky about spelling and grammar ?
Haha ! Sometimes . Not now definitely .
Do you believe in life on other planets ?
Yep yep . Why not ?
Have you ever been to Six Flags ?
Where ?!
Who was the last person to piss you off ?
Mum . Always saying sarcastic things .
Do you believe that God has a gender ?
Depends which God loh . Got many rite ? Like Buddha and Jesus are males , Kwan In and Mother Mary females . Like tat loh .
What was the last thing you ate ?
Some chinese pastry . With green bean filling one . Going to eat watermelon next .
Do you get along better with the same or opposite sex ?
Both lah . I very easy-going one . Hey ! Easy-going lah , not easy ah !
What did you dress up as for your first Halloween ?
Never tried . Tink I stoopid ah ? Wait no cab wanna take me how ?
How did your parents pick your name ?
I have NO idea ! Muz ask them lah . But I like it . Makes people remember me .
Do you like mustard ?
Yep . With hotdogs especially .
What do you tell yourself when times get hard ?
"Tomorrow WILL be a better day" .
Would you ever sky dive ?
Ahahaha !! I dun tink so . Chickadee remember ?
Do you sleep on your side, tummy, or back ?
Sides most of the time . Seldom on my tummy 'coz wait saliva drip out mah . Yuck !
What character from a movie most reminds you of yourself ?
Chicken Little . 'Coz stoopid looking mah , like me .
Have you ever bid for something on eBay ?
Nope .
What do you think of Angelina Jolie being pregnant ?
Cool .
Do you enjoy giving hugs ?
I prefer receiving them . ;D
Would you consider yourself to be fashionable ?
Wish I could be .
Do you own a digital camera ?
Got 2 . Bought 1 , won 1 .
If someone you had no interest in dating expressed interest in dating you , how would you feel ?
Duh !! Get lost !
What celebrities have you been compared to ?
Aiyoyo ! Chen Liping loh . I have NO IDEA why ?!
Who is your favorite Star Wars character ?
Star wat ? I only know Honey Stars . Yum !
Does it annoy you when someone says they'll call but never do ?
Ha ! U tink I stoopid to wait ah ?
What books , if any , have made you cry ?
Have lah , especially if about someone or some pet dying .
Do you think you're attractive ?
Never ! Plain as water .
What are you allergic to ?
Kiwi fruit . Makes my tongue and throat and nose and ears itch like crazy .
Are you a jealous person ?
Yes . Natural Scorpio trait .
What's your opinion on sex without emotional commitment ?
Why not ?
Do you enjoy driving ?
LOVE IT !! Hehehe !! :D
Have you ever had the "falling" dream ?
Many times ! Till I wake from it .
Do you ever feel guilty after eating meat ?
Sometimes lah . *Sheepish* But at least I eat only 'normal' meats okayy ?
If you were born the opposite sex , what would your name have been ?
How am I to know ? Maybe Ah Kow , or Ah Neow ? Haha !
Did you ever celebrate "Pi Day" in school ?
Huh ?!
What is the time ?
18 30 hrs .
My gawd !! Finally !!! Still hot and still can't sleep . Yikes !! Lucky day off tomolo .
Purred Ranz @ {17:12}