Second nights are hardest to pass . 'Coz U keep thinking about that sleeping day , which is so near and yet so far . :( Anyway , at least this night is a MUCH better one . Really depends on WHO U take over from . Everything was pretty much in order , with a little added 'bonus' here and there . Haha !! 'Bonus' meaning small things that are thoughtfully done for me . Hee ! Really perks me up . Not that I look for this type of cheap trills U know , but these small actions really made my day , or rather , my night . Ha ! Thanks Miin Yih . *Hugz* Anyway , have U ever felt the huge sense of consolation or rather , achievement , when some one actually learns something from U ? Hahaha !! Dunno about U but I'll get pretty pleased . Hee !! For a loser like me , it can get quite rewarding . Yippee !! Realised that Sister A. scheduled me for a Triage Course in the next roster . Long overdue already . The best thing is that she actually remembered , after me just mentioning to her once . Phew !! Sister A. , U're the BEST , man . Really such a vast difference from the witch , whom U've gotta beg to attend courses . Anyway , to everyone out there , after attending Ward 16's party last week , I dun hate the witch anymore . The hatred just sort of evaporated when I saw her . She just seem to have that look of regret & resignation when facing me . How to explain ? I guess she must be starting to feel the loss , now that almost all her capable staff are gone or are going to be gone . Oh well , kindda pitiful now loh . K lah , I shall not be a meanie anymore . Shall not call her the witch anymore , okay , but Sister L. ? Happy ? Hahaha ! Gosh ! Still got 1 hour 15 minutes more .. *Faints*
Just Me
NAME : ~Ranz~
D.O.B. : 24th October 1979
JOB : ~Don't mess with the Missy~
Will GetA degree
A Masters Degree
WantsA house of her own A car of her own
A Master's Degree (APN)