Year 2006 Resolutions .....
Sunday, January 01, 2006
1) Have better skin & hair .
2) Lose more weight , to keep it less than 60kg , or even better , 55kg .
3) Stay healthy & maintain zero MC . ( Would be 5 straight years then)
4) Get my damned driving license .
5) Learn make-up skills .
6) Be more involved in sports . (Sammy , helpp !!)
7) Try to save at least $200 / month .
8) Keep credit card bills < $500 / month .
9) Bring parents out more for makan .
10) Keep my room clean & tidy .
11) Be happy , happy , happy !!
12) Be positive at work till I can get outta this freaking place & job !
Check check check !
Come to think of it , I've never really drawn up a resolutions list before . Ha !! Issit too late to start ? Well , better late then never .
Just wanna be a better person , especially a better daughter to my parents and a better mother to my babies (??!) . Hahaha !! Ya lah . Juz realised that I haven't been a good daughter my whole f**king life , so I better start being one , or else I can't imagine the amount of bad karma I'll bring over to my next life . Kekekek !! Yikes !
Anyway , I suddenly miss my mummy very much . Hee !! Little girl mood . We haven't have the smoothest of relationships lately , thanks to my obstinateness (got such word meh ?) . But sometimes it's her hurtful actions and words that really drive me to my wits end and to the edge of my sanity . Really ! Itz tat bad . But I hope things will be on the mend in the new year . *Prayz hard*
Love ya mummy !! *Hugz*
Purred Ranz @ {19:14}