Shucks !! I hate night shifts !! Still got 4 hours ++ to go . Blerghh !! Bad start to my day today . Was about to dose off this morning when I noticed a missed call from the ward and an SMS from Miin Yih . Called back and discovered that ALL they wanted was for me to clarify and answer an idiotic question by Dr. N. !! *Faints* I hate it when people start calling me up just for stoopid issues ! Damn it !! Now I know how Sister A. feels when we call her up for silly things like taking AL , to talk to brainless people like Dr. N. about when an interpreter is coming etc etc .. My gawd !! It's her day off for goodness sake ! She's just being so nice to entertain us and I can sense quite a number of times that she's getting pissed off also . Not easy being a manager and NOT easy working wif some people !! Grrr !! Bite me !! Really need to get things off my chest , wat ! Then , I was stuck in Tampines Bus Interchange for almost a good 25 minutes 'coz of some bloody roadworks in that area ! Some idiots are always digging and digging at the roads there . Never seem to end . F**k ! In the end , I reached my ward at almost 20 40hrs !! So late !! :( Arghh !! Then , the best thing was I received my patients in quite a mess !! Really , the way some people work .. is like shit ! - Mr. A. complained that he has not been turned the whole afternoon until his senseless limbs actually felt numb ! Haha !! I actually laughed when I heard that 'coz he sounded really funny . Anyway , I flipped him like a pancake and he was happy after tat . - Then Mr. T. was soaked in his own saliva and one of his wounds was oozing and leaking ++ as usual 'coz of some stingy fella scrimping on dressing products . And I dunno whether anyone noticed at all that he was either leaking pee or he shitted fluids but his diaper was damned soaked , right up to the back !! My gawd !! It had to be there for quite some time 'coz his whole ass was like a soggy prune ! Gotta change everything lah ! Not that I mind the process but I'm just utterly disgusted that people can fake ignorance and just act nonchalant about it . Gosh ! - And as I went around giving IVs , I noticed a number of burettes carelessly hung and their clamps left unclamped until the fluids actually backflowed , leaving some air space in the line . WTF ?! All those and not to mention empty water jugs & used Milo cups left everywhere . And I shall not emphasise on the horrid passing over . Make me sound like some bossy drill mistress ! WTF ?! I'm used to being the bad guy anyway . Go complain lah ! Go cry ! Whatever ! But before U do , think carefully ! I've worked a fairly long time in this bloody job . I may not know totally what is right , but I know definitely what is wrong , okay ?! Sue me , bite me , whatever , I dun care anymore . Maybe it's good not to care for once , not to get angry , then maybe I can lead a happier and carefree life , just like U rite ?! No worries , no responsibilities , no CONSCIENCE ! Pwahh ! Then bloody Sister K.L. 'pre-warned' that one of us may be deployed shud there be mass admission to a certain ward . And my pen ran out of ink . Shit !! What could be worse ..?? Anyway , all my angst aside , I discovered a nice new show on TV last night . It's called Grey's Anatomy . Some medical show also . Like a cross between E.R. & Scrubs . Nice !! Will try to catch it weekly .
Just Me
NAME : ~Ranz~
D.O.B. : 24th October 1979
JOB : ~Don't mess with the Missy~
Will GetA degree
A Masters Degree
WantsA house of her own A car of her own
A Master's Degree (APN)