Hmmm , crazy sleeping hours . No wonder looking more and more like a Panda . :( Dozed off at around 8pm plus last nite , woke up at 4am plus just now to surf net . Ha !! I love the peace and serenity of the wee hours of the morning lah . Mind's fresh , air's good , cats still drowsy , parents still snoozing away = PEACE ! Ha ! Anyway , took an AL today . 'Coz my nightmare's starting again . Low number of patients wif lotsa staffing = risk of deployment . Now that our 'V' cases are out . *Sobs* For once I miss Bed 17 & 18 & Mr. Salad-Maker ? Huh ?! Hahaha !! Guess the other gals will start throwing eggs at me when they read this . Hee ! Yippee !! Starting driving lessons AGAIN from today . Meeting Allan at 10.30am later . Really miss him and his Proton (??!) alot . Love driving ! So hope I can get that damned license soon . Dun wanna waste anymore time and $$ in my pursuit for that stoopid piece of plastic card . Grrr... Anyway , To Vonne - Dun take it so hard . The test came at the wrong timing lah . U could have done it but 'coz of recent happenings , U were swayed mah . Next time SURE make it okay ?? Have faith ! *Muacks* Love ya !! After that , it'll be party time at my ward . My ward's having a Christmas & year end party today . Yo !! Long live Ward 17 !! Ha ! Will post some pictures here later on if any . Anyway , Mummy Lolit SMS me yesterday evening . Saying that the witch invited me to Ward 16's party . Should I go ? Afterall , I slogged for a damned 8 months for her this year before my transfer , what . I deserve it rite ? But I just dun feel like seeing her face . Wait make me puke all my food out . And I juz pray hard that the bitch is not invited oso . Otherwise my whole digestive system , including my anus WILL be thrown out as well ! Just can't seem to digest my hatred for that f**king piece of sh*t ! Ha ! Anyway , see how it goes . Juz miss my frens in 16 loh . *Sobs* Okayyy , more later . Gonna catch somemore 40 winks .. Tata !
Just Me
NAME : ~Ranz~
D.O.B. : 24th October 1979
JOB : ~Don't mess with the Missy~
Will GetA degree
A Masters Degree
WantsA house of her own A car of her own
A Master's Degree (APN)