Yeah !!! I completed 11 days of AM / PM shifts !! Yippee !! Day off today !! Muahahaha . So happy . But eeee .. , later gotta go out wif family and some family frens to celebrate niece's 1st birthday at Furama Hotel . Looking forward to a good meal , though . But *sighzzz* , mum and dad abit of a grouch lately , so don't really like to hang out with them . Sure to find some fault wif me and my day will SURE end up wif me argueing wif them one lah . Wat the heck ?! I've learnt to take things easy and NOT cry anymore . Can't please every single damn f*ckers wat ! Humphh ! Need to live MY life the way I want it to be . Yeah yeah !! Anyway , juz wanna say , kids these days are so f*ckingly lucky ! 1st birthday celebrate in a hotel ?! To think my time , can get a birthday cake , U already gotta start kissing your lucky stars liao . Pffft ! And my sister actually got a brand new car , JUST to ferry the spoilt brat around . AND to think , her silly aunty (me !) , bothered to get her a tiny , flimsy cotton dress for $39 from The Life Shop at Raffles City ! I know it doesn't sound much lah , compared to some designer's babywear , but if U see the material , U wun think itz worth it loh . Ha ! I think so at least . AND I also got it !!
So happy ! But damn broke sia ! Cost me $169 ! Quite a good buy lah . I was actually trying to push this purchase till next year but when I went down to Creative and saw it , I just gotta have it !! Looks so cool in my room . Hee !! Juz need to get a proper side table for it loh . Meanwhile , itz juz perched precariously on some unused giant bin . Hahaha ! Juz hope my silly dog can't reach it , or else my beloved i-trigue 3400 will definitely be a goner . Spent so much lately ! Die ! Next month's credit cards bills will shoot sky high ! :( Anyway , met babe Paige last nite . Went shopping at Citylink & Suntec . Gosh !! There were sales everywhere ! And these 2 places were opened till 12MN & 1AM ! Ha !! And the best thing was , people actually went !! Muahaha !! Retail Therapy . Even saw CNA filming crew there and a chinese news caster . Didn't buy much things but it sure was a fun experience loh . Couldn't bear to squeeze wif the crowd lah . Claustrophobic mah . No lah , juz anti-social . Huh ?! Hahaha ! Anyway , To Paige babe - No worries lah . I understand loh . Hee ! Juz treat me to more sundaes and fries next time k ? ;p
Just Me
NAME : ~Ranz~
D.O.B. : 24th October 1979
JOB : ~Don't mess with the Missy~
Will GetA degree
A Masters Degree
WantsA house of her own A car of her own
A Master's Degree (APN)